Organized by Jenan Matari
Level 1 Supporter
Donate $10 and get a Facebook shout out on our Little Faces page!
27 claimed
Level II Supporter
Donate $25 and get a Facebook shout out on our Little Faces page and email updates about the book's progress!
4 claimed
Level III Supporter
Donate $25 and get a Facebook shout out on our Little Faces page, email updates about the book's progress and a "thank you" card in the mail!
9 claimed
Silver Supporter
Donate $100 to our campaign and receive all Level III perks and a “Thank You” with your name printed at the end of our book!
17 of 50 claimed
Gold Supporter
Donate $200 to our campaign and receive all Level III perks and a “Thank You” with your name printed at the end of our book, along with a special dedication to you or someone of your choice!
6 of 15 claimed
Platinum Supporter
Donate $300 to our campaign and receive all Level III perks a “Thank You” with your name printed at the end of our book, along with a special dedication to you or someone of your choice and a copy of “The Little Faces of Gaza” with a special personalized “Thank You” message handwritten inside!
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5 of 5 claimed
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