
Support The Oldest Mosque in Canada's Capital NEEDS Your Help!

Organized by Siraj Institute

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Dust off some old manuscripts

In our basement there's over 6,000 volumes of Islamic books. Many of which have been out of print for decades!

Sold out!

60 of 60 claimed


Fix a broken tile.

Nothing is insignificant. The reward will surely outlast the structure, God willing

Sold out!

55 of 55 claimed


Replace one burnt bulb

Do you think a 40 year old chandelier has easily replaceable spare parts?

Sold out!

50 of 50 claimed


Clean the minaret

How does the tallest minaret in Ottawa stay clean over the years? Aren't you glad you don't have to be the one who climbs up there?!

34 of 40 claimed


Shine the dome.

Designed to mimic the parliament building, this beautiful green colour is actually rust, and it needs regular maintenance.

Sold out!

35 of 35 claimed


Repaint a dozen parking spots

It took 30 years for us to be able to get our parking lot expanded to fit over 300 cars. Making it one of the largest parking lots in Centre Town. We have 10 accessible spots, and two spots for electric charging cars.

8 of 30 claimed


Sponsor one prayer spot in the backrow

2340 is the number of Friday prayers established in this Masjid. We have never stopped, even during the current pandemic (it's restricted to the Imam and 3 essential Mosque staff members)

10 of 25 claimed


Sponsor one prayer spot in the middle row

575,000 is the number of prostrations (Sujood) offered in this Masjid. We have never stopped, even during the current pandemic (it's restricted to the Imam and 3 essential Mosque staff members)

0 of 20 claimed


Sponsor one prayer spot in the front row

16,000 is the number of Fajr prayers offered in the front rows of the Masjid. We have never stopped, even during the current pandemic (it's restricted to the Imam and 3 essential Mosque staff members)

5 of 15 claimed


Maintain the atmosphere

Keeping the heating/coolest system properly running means a fresh breeze during every prayer for 45 years and counting.

1 of 10 claimed


Maintain the imam's house

The imam's house has been a home to a number of the greatest imams in the city's history, and will continue InshaAllah with your support.

4 of 7 claimed


Maintain the classrooms

These are one of the oldest Islamic classrooms in North America. We have grandparents today who tell us who they learnt Arabic and Quran in them 50 years ago. Imagine the reward you'll have for generations to come.

1 of 5 claimed


Maintain the Minbar

The most important place in the Masjid. More than 2000 hours of wisdom and knowledge has been delivered over the Friday and Eid sermons since the mosque was establish. Your contribution is essential to continue the message of Islam in Ottawa.

1 of 3 claimed

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$20 CAD,

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