Organized by Intezar Elham
Big-hearted Supporter
Thank you! Your support means so much to us.
61 claimed
One women's shirt (with Australian shipping)
Repping our shirt, wear it with pride. We see you & appreciate you.
127 of 140 claimed
One men's shirt (with Australian shipping)
Repping our shirt, wear it with pride. We see you & appreciate you.
50 of 70 claimed
No shirt, just love
For those of you who don't want a shirt but want to donate to support the cause.
16 claimed
One women's shirt (with international shipping)
Repping our shirt, wear it with pride. We see you & appreciate you.
102 of 120 claimed
One men's shirt (with international shipping)
Repping our shirt, wear it with pride. We see you & appreciate you.
60 of 70 claimed
No shirts, just kudos
Get a whole lot of appreciation. You're a brilliant human being.
12 claimed
Two shirts & kudos (free international shipping)
Get 2 shirts and a whole lot of appreciation. Repping our shirt on the double? You're amazing.
51 of 70 claimed
By choosing this Giving Level, you agree to share your email with the campaign organizer.
Reason provided by the campaign organizer: We need your email address to ensure we get your order right, incase we have any immediate questions.
Power giver + 3 shirts + hand lettered digital art
Get 3 shirts and a free download of original beautiful hand-lettered piece for you to print out & frame, or use as a digital background.
13 of 50 claimed
Super-charged power giver + 4 shirts + hand lettered art printed on high-quality canvas
Get 4 shirts, and both of the original hand lettered art printed on high-quality canvas and delivered to you with a thank you note.
1 claimed
By choosing this Giving Level, you agree to share your email with the campaign organizer.
Reason provided by the campaign organizer: So that we can confirm all details when processing your order.
Out of this world power giver (without shirts)
You're our galaxy-reigning super hero. You don't want any shirts but you want to support the cause, and we respect that SO much! We'll gift you the hand lettered art printed out on high-quality canvas with a personalised thank you note. (Please note that this option does not include any shirts, if you would like to include a shirt, let us know)
0 claimed
By choosing this Giving Level, you agree to share your email with the campaign organizer.
Reason provided by the campaign organizer: So that we can thank you personally and sort out shipping details :)
Because LaunchGood doesn't charge a platform fee, we rely on the generosity of donors like you to help more people 💓
Custom amount
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$20 USD,
a few moments ago
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