Organized by WOH CANADA
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9 claimed
Water Container
In the aftermath of a disaster, we all know that the victims will need to be provided with clean water. But the logistics of transporting this water are often forgotten. A simple water container becomes a critical item during an emergency situation, as many victims don’t have any way of transporting or storing clean water. Your donation of a water container will ensure families have a store of clean water throughout an emergency period and beyond
4 claimed
Tube Well
Access to safe drinking water can transform lives. The gift of a tube well will ensure that up to 4 families have access to clean water for drinking, washing and cooking. Tube wells are manually operated and can lift water from about 30 metres beneath the ground. They are designed to last at least 10 years and can be easily maintained by the beneficiary. The wells are located in convenient locations, often between a cluster of houses.
2 claimed
1 in 3 people lack access to a proper toilet (WHO). Worldwide, 2.4 billion people are deprived of this basic necessity, either having no toilet at all or having to share unsanitary communal facilities. Your donation will provide hygienic facilities for large groups of people and thus reduce the spread of disease. It will also allow them to fulfil their needs in a safe and dignified manner.
3 claimed
Water Purifiers
Solar water purifiers are ideal for remote locations with no access to power. They work by using the sun’s UV rays to remove impurities from water. By donating a water filter, you are providing families with safe water free from the risk of infection and disease for up to two years.
0 claimed
Dig a Well
Access to clean water can transform the lives of entire communities. The gift of a Dig-a-Well can serve up to 200 people, providing access to clean water for drinking, washing and cooking, as well as keeping livestock hydrated. On average, these wells serve up to 35 families. Dig-a-Wells are ideal for families who rely on agriculture and farming. The wells draw water from up to 40 metres beneath the ground making them dependable during all seasons. Your Dig-a-Well will be situated in a communal place such as village centre, school or mosque
0 claimed
Community Well
Access to clean water can transform the lives of a whole community. Community water wells can serve more than 1,000 people. They are often located in arid areas where water is particularly scarce. The wells are wide and deep, making them dependable during all seasons. These water wells provide enough clean water for families, livestock and crops.
0 claimed
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