
Support West London Islamic Centre Appeal 2022

Organized by UKIM West London Islamic Centre

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Quick Sadaqa

Even £1 will weigh on your scales to benefit you, Insha’Allah

8 claimed


Quick Sadaqa

Tonight could be Laylatul Qadr. The night of 1000 months. Don't miss the chance for immense multiplied rewards!

178 claimed



"Those who in charity spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve" [Al Qur'an 2:274]

257 claimed


Sadaqa Plus

"Worship none but Allah, treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practice regular charity" [Al Qur'an 2:83]

93 claimed


Sadaqa Bronze

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Charity does not in any way decrease the wealth and the servant who forgives, Allah adds to their respect; and the one who shows humility, Allah elevates them in the estimation (of people).” [Muslim]

57 claimed


Sadaqa Silver

“Those who spend their wealth in Allah’s cause are like grains of corn which produce seven ears, each bearing a hundred grains.” [Al Qur'an 2:261]

45 claimed


Sadaqa Gold

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” [Tirmidhi]

4 claimed


Sadaqa Platinum

"Spend (in charity) out of the sustenance that We have bestowed on you before that time when death will come to someone, and they shall say: "O my Lord! If only you would grant me reprieve for a little while, then I would give in charity, and be among the righteous." [Al Qur'an 63:10]

8 claimed


Sadaqa Diamond

"The Masajid of Allah (swt) shall be visited and maintained by such as believe in Allah and the Last Day, who establish regular prayer, practice regular charity, and fear none except Allah. It is they who are expected to follow true guidance". [Al-Qur’an 9:17-18]

3 claimed


Al Quds Wall Petal Tile

2 claimed


Al Quds Wall Centre Tile

0 claimed

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£20 GBP,

a few moments ago


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