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Organized by 1Moment4Them

Psychology Support for B40 (Underprivileged)


raised of 0 MYR goal

654 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Malaysia

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by May 22, 2021 at 11:45 AM EDT

Help to provide the psychology support for underprivileged B40 in Malaysia that suffering mental health issues to have a new life through theraphy.


Empowering Mental Health Among B40 communities.

People with mental health conditions suffer greatly as a result of the pandemic Covid-19. Many are struggling in silence as they couldn't afford consistent medical treatment and therapy that could help them to cope and improve their current health condition. Last year, Malaysia recorded an increasing number of people struggling with depression. This is worrying as many have lost their source of income hence stopping them from accessing therapy and treatment. Sadly today, having access to consistent therapy and treatment is considered a privilege that many especially those belonging to the B40 group will not enjoy.

And this is the gap that 1Moment4Them would like to fill up. Through its project called Bantuan Psikologi B40, 100 recipients from B40 group (regardless of gender, race, and age) will receive consistent online therapy sessions with certified and licensed psychologists/counselors within 3-6 months duration. These sessions will be conducted via online to accommodate the recipients' schedule.

In order to ensure effective therapy sessions and positive results, there will be three methods adopted for three age groups:

 1. Online therapy for ADULT
 2. Online therapy for ADOLESCENT
 3. Group therapy for YOUNGSTERS

Through YOUR contribution (RM 70,000 target) to this project, 100 recipients will be able to attend consistent therapy sessions that are proven to be one of the effective tools to help them cope with their mental health condition. This year, 1Moment4Them aims to serve a bigger number of recipients from the underprivileged group that will help to break the financial barrier and stigma among us.

what the beneficiaries will benefit from:

1)Online therapy session
2) Self-care management

3)Food basket (nutrition )


(Bahasa Malaysia )

Memperkasakan Kesihatan Mental di kalangan kumpulan B40

Mereka yang mempunyai kondisi kesihatan mental adalah antara yang paling teruk terjejas sewaktu pandemik Covid-19 melanda negara. Ramai yang menderita secara senyap disebabkan tidak mampu dan berupaya untuk membiayai rawatan kesihatan dan terapi yang tetap yang terbukti berkesan dalam membantu mereka untuk mengatasi serta memperbaiki kondisi kesihatan mental yang dialami. Pada tahun lepas, Malaysia telah merekodkan peningkatan kes depresi dikalangan rakyat Malaysia. Ini sudah tentu sangat membimbangkan kerana ramai yang sudah hilang punca pendapatan justeru menghadkan mereka daripada mengakses sesi rawatan dan terapi. Malangnya, pada masa kini, akses kepada rawatan serta terapi dikira sebagai 'priviledge' yang mana ramai terutama mereka dalan golongan B40 tidak dapat nikmati.

Maka, jurang inilah yang 1Moment4Them mahu kecilkan. Melalui projek Bantuan Sokongan Psikologi B40, 100 penerima manfaat (pelbagai jantina, kaum dan kumpulan umur) dapat menikmati sesi terapi secara atas talian yang konsisten bersama pakar psikologi serta kaunselling yang berlesen. Sesi terapi ini akan mengambil masa selama 3-6 bulan dan akan dilakukan secara atas talian untuk menepati jadual penerima manfaat.

Untuk memastikan sesi terapi yang efektif serta keputusan yang positif, terdapat 3 kaedah yang akan digunapakai serta bersesuaian dengan tiga kumpulan umur iaitu:

 1. Sesi terapi secara atas talian kepada orang dewasa
 2. Sesi terapi secara atas talian kepada remaja
 3. Sesi terapi secara berkumpulan kepada kanak-kanak

Melalui sumbangan ANDA serta orang ramai (sasaran RM70,000) kepada projek ini, 100 penerima manfaat dari golongan B40 akan dapat mengakses sesi terapi yang konsistent yang mana telah terbukti dapat memperbaiki kondisi kesedaran mental mereka. Pada tahun ini, 1Moment4them berazam untuk membantu lebih ramai penerima manfaat dari golongan yang kurang berkemampuan untuk memutuskan jurang kewangan serta stigma yang masih tebal dikalangan rakyat Malaysia.

Apa yang penerima manfaat akan dapat melalui projek ini?
 1. Sesi terapi secara atas talian
 2. Pengurusan rawatan diri (self-care management)
 3. Bantuan Makanan (food basket)


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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

RM 27 MYR, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

RM 30 MYR, 3 years ago

Nurafika shahrudin

RM 20 MYR, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

RM 10 MYR, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

RM 10 MYR, 3 years ago

Anonymous soul who needs your prayers

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Nurhani Hasan

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Nur Suraya Amir

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RM 20 MYR, 3 years ago

Aimi Najiha Rosli

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Salmi nadia

RM 20 MYR, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

RM 40 MYR, 3 years ago


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Noraliyah Che Abdullah

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RM 50 MYR, 3 years ago

Mohd Azraee

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mahathir bin azman

RM 100 MYR, 3 years ago


RM 10 MYR, 3 years ago

Nurfatin Mhd rashid

RM 10 MYR, 3 years ago

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