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Organized by Halis Media

Bring Back Islam To The Youth


raised of 0 USD goal

2226 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Malaysia

Verified for authenticity.

Promote 100 short videos of Inspiring Converts To The Young Muslim Youth (13 to 24) in English, Arabic, French and Malay on You Tube, Instagram and Tik Tok.


WHY THE MUSLIM YOUTH?: Following the last two years of pandemic which compromised the future of the next generation of Muslims in terms of economic prosperity, health and safety, it has become critical to inspire them to turn (and for some return) to their religion and to put their hope in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad Rasullulah S.A.W. Through the voice of charismatic and well versed converts from all over the world, Halis Media needs your help to spread their beautiful stories to the Muslim Youth. 

CAMPAIGN HISTORY: Following our successful 2022 Ramadan campaign on LaunchGood: “Bring Back Islam To The Youth”, we raised 10 000USD$ among 200 supporters to fund the production cost of 100 exclusive videos (100$ per video) from the stories of the 50 converts we interviewed from our first documentary film: FREEDOM

CAMPAIGN STATUS: We already uploaded 19 high quality video stories of converts on Halis Media You Tube Channel (including 9 shorts) , 12 on Halis Media Tik Tok Account  and 5  on our Instagram Account

PERFORMANCE STATUS AS OF MARCH 2 2023 (Uploading of the first video 8 September 2022) : You Tube  31 092 Views (including 4469 views from shorts) + Instagram: 8570 views + Tik Tok = 3984 Views = 43 646 Views In Total in 5 months. 

YOU TUBE PERFORMANCE STATUS: On average our videos have reached 1636 views but sometimes it does not even reached 300 views after 4 months of uploading the video. See the two videos below:

Promotion Video: We decided to promote the video of this British Brother for just 50$ on you Tube Ads and the video reached more than 22 000 views and 524 Likes 5 months after we uploaded it. 

CONCLUSION: We need to allocate an extra budget for advertising to have a bigger impact among the Youth. There is no point at this time to upload more videos if we don't have an extra promotional budget. Each video requires long hours of editing and must reach a minimum of 10 000 Views after 6 months of being uploaded online. The encouraging data we have is that over the past 28 days, more than 23% of the people who are watching our content on You Tube are under 25 years old and that percentage can be increased with a targeted advertising by age online. https://www.youtube.com/halismedia See below: 


INSTAGRAM VIDEO PERFORMANCE: On average our 5 videos have reached 1714 views for a total of 8570 views. We stopped uploading more videos on Instagram as we realised our videos have a bigger potential to reach more young people with Arabic Subtitles, (see below). The translation and editing of our videos in Arabic and other languages such as French and Malay require an extra budget as well but it is necessary. https://www.instagram.com/halismedia/reels/




TIK TOK PERFORMANCE STATUS: On average our 12 videos have reached 332 views. The poor performance of our Tik Tok videos is due to the fact that we did not invest any fund to promote our account comparing to You Tube and Instagram and that the minimum budget on Tik Tik for advertising was 500USD$ at the time. See the videos below:  https://www.tiktok.com/@halismedia

CALL TO ACTION: We need the help of our loyal and new sponsors to promote these videos on You Tube, Instagram and Tik Tok  so we can reach 10 000 views minimum per video on each social media by the end of 2024 in 4 languages (50% of the video uploaded in 2023 and 50% uploaded in 2024).


100 videos in Arabic 25 000USD$ (250$/video)

100 videos in Malay 15 000 USD$ (150$/video)

100 videos in French 15 000 USD$ (150$/video)

100 video in English 10 000USD$ (100$/video: PAID)


YOU TUBE: 9 000 USD$ ( 3000USD$ per YT Channel: Halis Media in English and Arabic, Halis Media Francophone, Halis Media Nusantara)

INSTAGRAM: 3 000USD$ (Arabic and French)

Tik Tok: 3 000USD$ (English and Malay)

TOTAL: 70 000USD$ 


As we proved it above when a little of advertising budget is allocated to one of our video on You Tube we can reach more than 20 000 views in less than 6 months comparing to 300 views without any advertising budget on You Tube. With 9 000USD$ budget of advertising we can reach 10 000 views minimum per video on You Tube for example which will make our 100 videos reach 1 million videos in total for each language on our You Tube Channels. We also believe that we can increase the percentage of youth watching our content from 23% now to 40% by 2024 on YouTube. Convert stories as been proven to be among the most effective way to boost the iman of any Muslim that is watching their stories. We hope that this project will be the catalyst for new on site projects to inspire the Young Muslim Generation in a positive way by implementing the values of Islam that are shared in those convert stories. 

Some reviews on the documentary below. For more reviews from Muslim and non-Muslims, visit www.thefreedomfilm.org/reviews


Please watch the trailer and the latest media coverage on FREEDOM below:

Last Media Coverage ON FREEDOM: 

  1. Interview made in Ankara in April 2022 with Kanal 7 (2 mins. **Turn on the CC option to get the subtitles in English)

      2. Interview made in Istanbul in March 2020 with Al Hiwar TV ( 29mins, 700,000+ views)


1.Sponsor NOW!!!

2. Share the link of our LaunchGood campaign (www.launchgood.com/changethegame) to all your family and friends on social media and ask them to sponsor as well.

3. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and share FREEDOM's Official Trailer 

4. Visit our website and share it; www.thefreedomfilm.org

5. If you are in media or you're a blogger, write an article about FREEDOM and send it over to us so we can post your work on our social media pages.

6. Help us to organise more screenings by volunteering and sponsoring an entire screening event in your home town. 

7. Make lots of du'as for us! It's only the beginning.




Still have some questions? Email us at info@halismedia.com



Your giving amount


Start Up

You will receive our 2 documentaries FREEDOM and AFTER HATRED COMES LOVE worth 12$ on Vimeo. (Offer Valid Only until Saturday 30th of April 7pm USA East Time.)

1103 claimed


Way To Go

50 claimed


Start up 2.0

You will receive our 2 documentaries FREEDOM and AFTER HATRED COMES LOVE worth 12$ on Vimeo. (Offer Valid Only until Saturday 30th of April 7pm USA East Time.)

51 claimed



You will receive our 2 documentaries FREEDOM and AFTER HATRED COMES LOVE worth 12$ on Vimeo. (Offer Valid Only until Saturday 30th of April 7pm USA East Time.)

13 claimed


Partner 2.0

You will receive our 2 documentaries FREEDOM and AFTER HATRED COMES LOVE worth 12$ on Vimeo. (Offer Valid Only until Saturday 30th of April 7pm USA East Time.)

18 claimed


Partner 3.0

1. Super Super Thank You. 2 videos will be produced and edited because of you. 1.You will be given the link to the video you help sponsor to see the impact you've made. 2. Halis Media Package on Vimeo for FREE: a. FREEDOM(English 90 min version, $7.99) b. After Hatred Comes Love(30 min, $3.99)

8 claimed


Youth Ambassador

1. Super Super Thank You. 5 videos will be produced, edited and distributed because of you. 1. You will be given the link to the video you help sponsor to see the impact you've made. 2. Full Halis Media Package on Vimeo for FREE: a.FREEDOM (English 90 min version, $7.99) b. After Hatred Comes Love(30 min, $3.99) c. FREEDOM(English 25 min, $2.99) d. FREEDOM (Spanish 25 min, $2.99) e. FREEDOM (Turkish 29 min $1.99)

1 claimed


Youth Ambassador 2.0

1. Super Super Thank You. 10 videos will be produced, edited and distributed because of you. 1. You will be given the link to the video you help sponsor to see the impact you've made. 2. Full Halis Media Package on Vimeo for FREE: a. FREEDOM (English 90 min version, $7.99) b. After Hatred Comes Love (30 min, $3.99) c.FREEDOM (English 25 min, $2.99) d. FREEDOM (Spanish 25 min, $2.99) e. FREEDOM (Turkish 25 min $1.99)

3 claimed


Your share could raise over 0


Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 NZD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£3 GBP, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£5 GBP, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 2 years ago

Mehmet Konyali

$1 USD, 2 years ago

Abideen Zaggout

$1 USD, 2 years ago

Hazim Konyali

$1 USD, 2 years ago

Hassan Mullah Jaan

$1 USD, 2 years ago

Shams Ali Abedh

$1 USD, 2 years ago

Aysenur Abedh

$1 USD, 2 years ago

Huseyin Abedh

$1 USD, 2 years ago

Necmi Ogut

$1 USD, 2 years ago

Saja bhatti

$1 USD, 2 years ago

Updates 24

Halis Media2 years ago

The Youth Still Need You | 500$ Bonus Earned Yesterday | New Teaser Trailer Out

As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Supporters,

Yesterday the 3 campaigns of Halis Media on LaunchGood won 3 Bonuses Alhamdulillah. 

Bring Back To Islam won 500$ Bonus Alhamdulillah. 


The Teaser Trailer of our other documentary film THE Last Hope which is the part 2 of FREEDOM is on Halis Media You Tube Channel and has reached already more than 12 000 views in 2 days. Watch it today on the link above. 

Please keep on supporting Bring Back Islam To The Youth. We have not released the 100 videos yet because we have been busy working on THE Last Hope production and boosting our social media presence on You Tube in order to get more views for our 100 videos for the Youth.

We already got great results with our first 10 videos and especially with the story of Ryan the young British convert who reached 59 000 views on our You Tube Channel and went viral on Tik Tok and Instagram on other platforms which was the objective of this campaign. We also started to translate some of the videos in Arabic and French. 

There are 6 more days left in the competition, each donation get us closer to bet bonuses between 500 and 5000$. Thank you for considering supporting the Muslim Youth again by giving us funds this time that will help us reach more young Muslims who are falling out of Islam more and more unfortunately. Click the link below to support:

1. Bring Back Islam To The Youth: http://www.launchgood.com/changethegame

Thank you all for your ongoing support.

With Purpose,

Julien & Zara

Halis Media2 years ago

Are you ready for Dhul Hijjah? | Zara's interview LIVE on Islam Channel UK |

As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Supporters,

We have just entered here in Turkiye into the first night of the blessed month of Dhul Hijjah, the month of sacrifice. Alhamdulillah.

When I think of sacrifice, I think of the hours and sleepless nights my wife Zara has been spending in editing with me our first documentary film FREEDOM and all the other videos of Halis Media she did work on.

As a mother of 3 young boys (7,6,4 years old), she sacrificed a lot of time behind the computer to serve Islam the best way she can. I am blessed to have her as my wife and partner at Halis Media. 

A few weeks ago, the world's leading Islamic Media Platform based in UK: Islam Channel interviewed her Live about the impact of Halis Media's projects in the world. Below is the link of the interview, have a look and check the latest updates she shared about Halis Media:


Zara does not like fundraising such as myself but every new donations we receive from you always give us a big moral boost and show us that some Muslims still care about showcasing our Prophet Muhammad saw to the world in the best manners. 

In this Dhul Hijjah we have the opportunity with you to close the production, post production and post promotion budget of THE Last Hope which we estimated at 100KUSD$

Out of our 12 250 Supporters we just need 470 Supporters among you to give 50USD$ each (or more) to help close the budget and we are inviting you to do it in the best time of the year "The First Ten Days Of Dhul Hijjah" in which your reward for giving could be the greatest of the year InshaAllah.

Each donation counts. Please go on the link below to donate Today:


Starting this Sunday 18th at 7pm New York Time, we will start to compete on LaunchGood for 9 days to raise the biggest amount possible for THE Last Hope. The winner each day will get 5000USD$ Bonus and for The Asia Pacific Region 1500USD$. We noticed that in the first day of Ramadan and Dhul Hijjah the competition to win the Bonuses is more weak on the first day than the other days so we will try to compete seriously on the first day of Dhul Hijjah, so please donate right after 7pm New York Time This Sunday (7am Kuala Lumpur 19th), so your donation folds into the first day of Dhul Hijjah InshaAllah. 


As per the 1st trailer, we will release on @halismedia You Tube Channel tomorrow Monday instead a video with snippets of the interviews we did already with converts and the media. We decided to postpone the first trailer until we complete all the interviews of our converts. 

Stay Tuned. 

Thank you all for your on-going support. We need it more than ever. The World is waiting for the release of THE Last Hope InshaAllah.

With Purpose,


Halis Media


Halis Media2 years ago

We just did it. Number 4th out of 1900 Worldwide.

As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Supporters,

We hope you are all doing well and that you are gearing up for the first 10 days of Dhull Hijjah that is bound to start on Monday 19th of June this year InshaAllah. 

Prophet Muhammad saw refers to the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah as the most important days of the year: “There are no days during which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these days”. Bukhari

InshaAllah we will all take advantage of these precious coming days to increase our obedience to Allah and His Messenger, to control our ego better, fast and give to meaningful Muslim projects around the world.

With 36 500USD$ of Bonus collected Last Ramadan 1444, Halis Media has ranked number 4 among 1900 campaigns in terms of Bonus Collection (See Launchgood Message Below). 
We want to thank our more than 12 250 supporters around the world who have helped us to achieve this tremendous performance which put us in the position to finish THE Last Hope before the end of the year InshaAllah. 

However we still need to raise funds during Dhul Hijjah to wrap our production budget to 100 000USD$. With 76 501USD raised so far we have done more than 75% of the job Alhamdulillah. InshaAllah with the new Bonus incentives that Launchgood recently shared with us we will be able to achieve our goal. We will surely inform you in a next email about it as we need your ongoing support to stay at the top of the Bonus Challenges. InshaAllah the first trailer of THE Last Hope will also be released next week. Exciting time indeed. 

With Purpose,

Julien & Zara
LaunchGood: https://www.launchgood.com/muhammadthelasthope
You Tube: @halismedia, @halismediafrancophone, @halismedianusantara

Instagram: @halismedia

Halis Media2 years ago

Last Hours To Do Great In The Last 10 Nights | Madinah Greetings |

As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Supporters,

We are greeting you all from the blessed city of Madinah where we have been staying for the past 2 nights. InshaAllah tonight will be our last night before we leave to Macca to perform our Umrah. Before we do that we want to remind you of the importance of the last 10 nights and to give to charity on every last 10 nights to guarantee that one of your donation will be given during Laylatul Qadr. 

With the last 10 nights of Ramadan fast approaching, have you made your plan on how to increase your rewards? Scheduled Giving could help you earn more and not miss a single blessed night.

You can make the most of this opportunity by: 

 ✨  Easily setting your daily giving amount

 ✨  Selecting 10 campaigns close to your heart or letting LaunchGood choose for you

 ✨  Tracking your contributions to see your impact!

This opportunity to give on Launchgood daily for a minimum of 1$ per day will end today at 7pm New York Time / Sunday 7am Kuala Lumpur Time. 

Click the link below to give on each of the last 10 nights to ensure you don't miss Laylatul Qadr! 


Halis Media2 years ago

We Won | Open Two New You Tube Channels | Belated Ramadan Mubarak From Malaysia

As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends & Supporters of Halis Media,

Belated Ramadan Mubarak To All Of You. 

We hope you started Ramadan very well in good health and spirit. 

In our case it was a bit challenging as our 3 kids got very high fever one day before Ramadan and we had to find a place to stay last minute in Kuala Lumpur to take care of them.

That being said we have been super busy since then by uploading a new video each day during ramadan on our 3 You Tube Channels: @HalisMedia (English/Arabic), @HalisMediaFrancophone (French) and @HalisMediaNusantara (Bahasa Melayu). Including Daily Shorts on You Tube, Instagram and Tik Tok. (Full Updates on our 3 channels in the next email today!!!).

As per Fundraising was concerned, we started to compete on Launchgood on Day 4 in the Asia Pacific Division in the Most Supporters Category and we ended up second and earn a 1000$ Bonus. (See Below). Today we finished 3rd and earn a 500$ Bonus with 106 Supporters. The competition is getting tougher each day and in order to win each day 2000USD$ Bonus, we need a minimum of 200 supporters to commit to give daily a minimum of 1USD$ each day for the next 14 Days. The maximum cap per campaign is 30KUSD$ so if we win in the next 14day, each day we will reach our goal. Please commit therefore to give 1$ per day at https://www.launchgood.com/muhammadthelasthope

Every donation counts!!! On day 4, for example we got the same amount of supporters than another campaign so if one of us would have not made the efforts to give at least 1USD$/RM5 we would have lost the 1KUSD$ Bonus. 


For you daily donation commitment we suggest you pick a specific time to do it every day so it's easier for you to remember but the best if you can is the last hour of competition which is between 6 and 7pm New York Time and 6 and 7am Kuala Lumpur Time. The competition starts everyday at 7pm New York Time and Lasts 24 hours until 7pm the following day. In Malaysia the competition starts at 7am everyday and ends the following day at 7am. If you are from another country use USA and Malaysia as references points to calculate when you should donate.

Thank you all for your ongoing support. Interviews of converts around the world continues. Our team just interviewed one convert in New York Yesterday. We can't wait to show you the documentary. InshaAllah it will be a life changing experience for many viewers and will bring back real love for our Prophet Muhammad saw in the hearts of the Muslims and for the Non-Muslims we hope that it will be an opportunity for them to discover the Best Creation of Allah and to Follow Him. 

With Purpose,

Julien & Zara

Halis Media2 years ago

Julien's Mum Video Has Been Unlisted!! You can watch it Now!!!

As Salam Alaykoum,

One of our dear supporters from California just informed us that the video of my mum was in private and he could not watch it. We fixed the problem and it has been unlisted, you can watch it now. Links on the previous Email.

This video is for LaunchGood supporters only and it will be deleted in one week. Please do not share it to anyone. It is the first time my mother do such a thing. I am amazed myself. 2023 will be special InshaAllah.

With Purpose,


Halis Media2 years ago

Julien's Mum Inspiring Message To You | From France On Christmas Day

  • As Salam Alaykoum Everyone,

  • Little did you know that Julien's mum has been supporting Halis Media all this time and that she watched and enjoyed FREEDOM. Watch her message below as she is sending a beautiful message to all of us from her home: https://youtu.be/MvApvNZpyQo

If you have not watched Julien and Zara's latest video update yet. Just click below:


    • Tomorrow, Zara is turning 33. MashaAllah! We are trying to finish the year in great spirit. We pray for all of you and thank you for being part of the journey with us. 

    • If each one of you make a 50$/RM 200 now like Julien's mum then we can wrap up the production budget before 2023 starts. We believe in you.https://www.launchgood.com/campaign/muhammad_the_last_hope_15#!/

    • With Purpose,

    • Julien & Zara

    Halis Media2 years ago

    Video From Home: Julien & Zara Latest Updates | Online Meet Up In The Pipeline!!!

    Vid update: Budget spent, current progress, get-together & more..


    As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends, Dear Supporters,

    We are still working on the full report of the first ten videos we uploaded from the Bring Back Islam To The Youth Campaign.

    In the meantime, we are in the process to wrap up the budget of our new documentary film series: THE Last Hope. Check out the video for latest updates. 

    InshaAllah TOGETHER let's finish this end of 2022 strong. See you soon in Malaysia! For our supporters everywhere else around the globe, maybe a Zoom session January next year? :D 

    The latest news is that our documentary film FREEDOM is now available in French on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user76437462/vod_pages

    Stay Tuned.

    With Purpose,

    Julien & Zara 

    Halis Media2 years ago

    Project Updates + Julien's Emotional Quran Recitation BONUS

    As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Launchgood Supporters,

    I hope this message finds you well and that you will end this year 2022 with the best health and spirit possible.

    InshaAllah this Sunday we will send you a full report on the performance of the first 10 convert video stories on social media. It is pretty good but we had to invest in promoting our You Tube and Instagram Pages in order to get some encouraging first results. InshaAllah tomorrow we will also send you a video report with Zara as we have some great news regarding the project. 

    In the meantime, please don't forget to subscribe to our You Tube Channel and/or to Follow Us on our Instagram Page: 



    We just started a new Quran Friday Series Yesterday on You Tube Please check it out and share the link of our channel to your friends. 

     With Purpose,

    Brother Julien 

    Halis Media2 years ago

    Documentary Teaser About Prophet Muhammad Is Out


    As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Supporters

    We hope that this message finds you well. We are glad to announce you that the Official Teaser of Our New Documentary Series On Prophet Muhammad saw: THE Last Hope featuring converts from around the world has been released on our You Tube Channel. (See Above).

    As I am writing to you, we are currently competing on Launchgood for 10 more hours to get the maximum amount of supporters to give a minimum of 1$ to help us cover all the cost of THE Last Hope which include its promotion. Please make a donation now at 


    The campaign will finish at 8am Turkish Time (1pm Malaysian Time) on Wednesday 30th of November. With just 1$ you can help us get thousands of dollars of bonuses. It is a game of numbers and we just need 1 minute of your time to make a 1 dollar payment on our campaign.

    If we can reach 2000USD$ Donation before 8am Turkish Time On Wednesday 30th of November. Launchgood will add an additional 500$ Bonus to reward us so ultimately give the best amount you can if possible.

    Thank you for your consideration and passion to promote the legacy of our Prophet Muhammad saw through the voices of converts from around the world. 

    With Purpose,

    Julien & Zara

    Halis Media Team

    Halis Media2 years ago

    Breaking News: Cast Of Famous Converts In Istanbul Have A Message For You

    As Salam Alaykoum Dear Launchgood Supporters.

    We hope you are doing all fine. We have some very nice updates to announce to you as we just finished to interview for our new documentary about Prophet Muhammad Saw: THE Last Hope in Istanbul newly Converted To Islam, Austrian MMA Fighter: Khalid Ott and Former Dutch Politician: Arnoud Van Doorn who converted to Islam in 2013. See below the pics of the shooting.

    As you probably know already, Launchgood launched the Rasul Week competition this week in which the best campaign will get 2000$ Bonus. 


    1. Thursday 29th September, we are competing right now for the most raised amount to get 2000$ Bonus between 2am Turkish Time (it already started) and 2am Turkish Time on Friday.

    2. Then on Friday 30th September we will compete InshaAllah for the most number of supporters around the same time between 2am Friday till 2am Saturday Turkish Time.

    Help us to reach 30K$ by the end of September. We need your ongoing support to keep interviewing 100 converts from 40 countries. That's a huge task and 50K$ is truly the minimum budget we need.

    Note: After you made your donation at https://www.launchgood.com/muhammadthelasthope

    Please subscribe and follow us on all our social media platforms and share about our campaign to all your social media.

    Halis Media is on You Tube, Insta, Tik Tok and FB:

    (Please Subscribe on YT and Help us reach 5K Subscribers this month)


    (Please Follow us on Insta and help us reach 1K Followers this month)

    https://www.tiktok.com/@halismedia (Please Follow us on TT and help us reach 100 Followers this month)

    With Purpose,

    Halis Media Team

    Halis Media3 years ago

    Video 1: Malaysian Chinese Converts Story Out On All Social Media

    As Salam Alaykoum Dear Supporters Of Bring Back Islam To The Youth,

    I hope this message finds you well. We thank you for your patience since last Ramadan in giving us the time to put this project together for the Muslim Youth who are in need of inspirational content online.

    Alhamdulillah Halis Media will start to upload two short videos per week of Bring Back Islam To The Youth rebranded "Muslim Convert Journey" on Thursdays and Sundays.

    The videos will be uploaded on our You Tube Channels: Halis Media (4K subscribers) and New Muslim World Conference (2K subscribers)

    Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. The videos will be shared also from time to time on what's app and telegram as well.

    Please find below the link of the first episode:

    Please share the first episodes to all your contacts and ask them to subscribe to our channel. 

    We have a very ambitious goal to reach 100 000 subscribers for our Halis Media Channel before the end of this year and we need all of you to start to subscribe to it first and pass it around: https://www.youtube.com/c/HalisMedia

    Our second objective on social media is to reach 25 000 Followers on Tik Tok before 2023 so if you have a Tik Tok account please follow us at: https://www.tiktok.com/@halismedia

    As per the other social media, you may want to follow us on the ones you are using the most:

    https://www.facebook.com/nmwconference (5.3K Followers)
    https://www.instagram.com/nmwconference/ (400 Followers)

    On Twitter and LinkedIn I will use my personal accounts to update regularly on new uploads, campaigns and projects we are working on. 

    These short videos are our first attempt to position ourselves closer to the Muslim Youth but please be ensure that we are also working on other type of contents including travelogs and inspiring 1 on 1 interviews which will give more diversity to our social media platforms but with still a strong emphasis on convert lifestyles and their journeys to Islam.

    Thank you once again for your trust and participation in this campaign. Please support us the best way you can by sharing our work and by praying for the success of those videos so it can touch as many young hearts as possible. 

    With Purpose,

    Julien Drolon
    Halis Media &

    New Muslim World Conference

    Halis Media3 years ago

    Have you signed up with the Winning Team yet? 1000 supporters did. Join Us.

    Dear Friends and Supporters Of LaunchGood,

    We are Glad to inform you that yesterday we won the Asia Pacific Division Competition on Both categories: Most Raised and Most Supporters Campaigns. We also finished in number 2 position worldwide which grants us a 2500USD$ Bonus. 

    We know that some of our supporters of our previous Ramadan campaign "Bring Islam Back To The Youth" are not yet supporting our new campaign. Please do so today and join our growing list of more than 1000 supporters for our new campaign: Muhammad, THE Last Hope.

    Alhamdulillah we have already raised more than 13 000USD$ out of the 50 000USD$ we need to fund the production of THE Last Hope. Today with less than 12 hours of competition left, we are again number 1 in Asia Pacific and number 3 worldwide with very serious chance to win this time if each one of you donate again today a minimum of 1USD$ at https://www.launchgood.com/muhammadthelasthope

    Please make your donation NOW and then share around the poster on all the social media where you are active by informing your families and friends that you have already participated in the campaign and you are inviting them to do the same. 

    Let's do this last effort before Arafat Day and Eid. Let's all work together so we can have a chance to share how great is our Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him, to those who never heard good things about him and were mislead by propaganda. 

    Today is the DAY we will win worldwide InshaAllah. 

    With Purpose and Determination,

    Jay, Julien and Halis Media Team.

    Halis Media3 years ago

    URGENT: We have less than 30 min to get 1$ Donation From Everyone or loss 5K$

    Dear Supporters.

    This is crucial time. We just lost the lead and now we are done 15 supporters but we have more than 3000 supporters on LaunchGood and less than 1000 supporters gave for our new campaign. Which means a lot of you have not donated at least 1 dollars for our new documentary film THE Last Hope featuring 100 converts from 40 countries who will be interviewed about the impact that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, is having in their lives. Please donate NOW 1$ at https://www.launchgood.com/muhammadthelasthope

    This our last email for this competition and our last hope. We don't want to have any regrets. Help us to win. (Campaign ends in 30 min)

    Halis Media Team 

    Halis Media3 years ago

    3 supporters away to win 5000$ win only 1$ contribution FROM You - Competition Ends in one hour

    In The Last Hour Of The Competition We Need Your Support To Win 5000$ Bonus. As You Can see every donation will count to win.

    Click Now To Make Your 1$ Donation at https://www.launchgood.com/muhammadthelasthope

    Halis Media3 years ago

    Very Valuable Email To Open TODAY - Tomorrow would be TOO LATE

    Dear LaunchGood Supporters,

    We just started a 24 hours competition on LaunchGood Today again to get $5000 bonus and we just need a minimum of $1 contribution from your side to win this competition. Yesterday the winner just got 217 supporters to win the $5000 Bonus. We had 218 supporters for the campaign "Bring Back Islam To The Youth", so if all you take 1 min of your time to donate today just 1$ then we will most likely win InshaAllah. 

    Your support is extremely valuable as we are still far from our target goal.

    With Purpose and Determination,

    Jay, Julien and Halis Media Team

    Halis Media3 years ago

    Korean You Tube Sensation Daud Kim Emotional Video Reaction About Indian Convert

    Dear LaunchGood Supporters,

    Following the recent insults in India about Prophet Muhammad, Korean Convert Daud Kim took a stand to defend the Honour Of Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon Him with a video entitled: "I'll just say one thing...". The video went viral and has been viewed more than 230 000 times on You Tube and Facebook in the past 4 days.

    Then Daud Kim posted another video 2 days ago as he tried to find a positive message to send to "Our Indian Friends and People around the World" he said. This video was taken from an extract of our Film Documentary FREEDOM that will be reused for the documentary series: THE LAST HOPE a new film project by Halis Media which will highlight the positive impact that Prophet Muhammad is having on dozens of converts from around the world as THE LAST HOPE will feature 100 converts from 40 countries. More than 75 000 people watched this video on You Tube and Facebook over the past 2 days. Check it out below and share it to all your friends on social media. 

    It is not yet too late to support our campaign by using our campaign link below and make a minimal contribution of RM5 or 1$ per day until EID which is 8 days from now.

    By doing so you will help give our campaign a good boost as HM will earn $50 for each person who signs-up to automate their giving this Dhul Hijjah by using our unique team link below

    So far only 10 supporters took the time to sign up to automate their giving which is sad as this opportunity will end on July 5th in exactly 3 days. Please support today at  


    Halis Media Team



    Halis Media3 years ago

    Help Friends. We are in the last days.

    HELP US WIN BIG - Give A Little on the 1st Day Of Dhul Hijjah!!!

    By using our campaign link below and make a minimal contribution of RM50 or 10$ for 10 days you will help give our campaign a major boost! Between Today and Tomorrow July 1, we will earn $75 for each person who signs-up to automate their giving this Dhul Hijjah by using our unique team link and then we will continue earning $50 for each sign-up between July 2 and July 5 (over and over again)!

    All contributions will help to finance Halis Media new docu film about Prophete Muhammad featuring 100 converts from 40 countries.



    Halis Media Team

    PS: If you receive this email from multiple campaigns we recommend you Unsubscribe from all of them except the last campaign your participated. 

    Halis Media3 years ago

    Convert You Tuber Jay Palfrey Teams Up With HM on New Film About Prophet Muhammad

    As Salam Alaykoum Dear Supporters of Launchgood,

    We are very excited to inform you that we have teamed up with British Convert You Tuber and Travel Blogger Jay Palfrey to promote our brand new documentary film "THE Last Hope" featuring 100 converts over 40 countries about Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon Him. 

    Before we tell you everything about this very very important new project, we would like to inform you that we closed our last campaign: "Bring Back Islam To The Youth" successfully with 10 000USD$ in the end of May and that we received the funds in June accordingly. With this in mind, rest assured that we will edit and upload 100 exclusive videos from the FREEDOM Film between August and December 2022.In the meantime, please understand that we need to focus all our attention on this new campaign: THE Last Hope. 

    In reference to THE Last Hope documentary film, please go to the link below to find all the informations necessary. Please watch the two videos presentations we made with Jay Palfrey. You can also discover the first two extracts of THE Last Hope featuring the Dean of the Cambridge Muslim College: Timothy Winter (also known as Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad) and Islamic and Social Impact Influencer Aliza Kim:


    Once you check our campaign link above and you realised hopefully that this campaign is AWESOME and WORTHY of your trust and contribution please commit to support us in 4 different ways:

    1. Help us Get an EASY $75 BONUS by signing up for the First 10 days Autogiving of Dhul Hijjah (By Only Giving 10$ or RM50 minimum) using our link below + give us a chance to place our campaign on the referrals leaderboard and win up to $5000 BONUS!


    (Note: According to a Hadith, the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah are the best 10 days of the year and a good deed is rewarded 700 times more than usual.)

    2. Pledged the best amount amount you can on the Wednesday 6th of July as it is the day we chose to compete for the most raised amount campaign and try to win 5000$ Bonus.

    3. The Following day on the Thursday 7th of July we will just need you to donate 1$ minimum to help us win the competition of the campaign with the most amount of supporters. 

    4. Finally once you started to donate (hopefully this month), share our campaign link and inform your family and friends that you just supported this important film on Prophet Muhammad and you invite them to do the same: 


    By the Blessing of Allah we already have around 3000 supporters on Launchgood. If each one of you make an effort and follow our campaign strategy to the best way you can (Point 1,2,3,4 above), we can reach our first goal of 50 000USD$ that is necessary to finish the Film. Recent insults about our Prophet Muhammad in India should give us all extra motivation to get into this new campaign all heartedly InshaAllah. 

    With Purpose & Determination,

    Julien & Zara
    Halis Media Team

    Halis Media3 years ago

    The Best Eid Of Our Life - Ramazan Mubarek

    As Salam Alaykoum Dear Supporters of LaunchGood 2022,

    We pray that you had a fantastic EID with your beloved ones and that Allah accepted your good deeds and your Ramadan. 

    Our EID was fantastic, with good friends, good food, an amazing EID Sermon from an uplifting Shaykh who spoke Haqq upon Haqq. It was indeed our best Eid in our Life so far in this blessed city of Bursa, the first capital of the Ottomans.

    We thank you for your trust and support throughout this Ramadan especially on this crazy day when we competed to get the highest number of supporters. MashaAllah we finished in the number 4th position in Asia Pacific and got a Bonus of 500USD to our campaign. We had 99 supporters and won of just one more supporter than the 5th participant who ended up with 98 supporters which means that each one of your donation helped us to get this Bonus. Thank you.

    We will surely make sure that all of you will receive the unique codes to watch our documentaries in the next few days on VIMEO.

    Take care and enjoy with your family and friends.


    Halis Media Team

    Halis Media3 years ago

    It seems only Americans and Canadians Can help us at this point

    Yes we are about to lose our 3rd position in the Asia Pacific contest in the last hour of the competition and only our American and Canadian supporters are still awake to donate 1$ at http://www.launchgood.com/freedom

    Please come forward now and donate 1$ at 



    Halis Media Team

    Halis Media3 years ago

    We made it to the TOP 20!!! Help us get to TOP 10


    With Just 1$ you can help us reaching top 10 of the competition and get 500$ Bonus. Click on the campaign and make 1$ donation now please!!!

    Out of our 2000 LaunchGood Supporters we just need 40 of you to help us with 1$ donation. 500$ represent 5 videos of high quality from interviews of converts of FREEDOM that we can share and distribute to the Muslim Youth on social media. It's worth the effort. Plus you get 12$ worth of content of VIMEO for just 1$ donation. Check out the link below for more information.

    Thank You

    Halis Media Team

    Halis Media3 years ago

    CRITICAL STATE: Your immediate help can make us win. Please Open This Email Now

    Dear LaunchGood Supporter,

    Thank you for your recent donation. It positioned us in the top 40 of the LaunchGood Competition. We calculated that if each one of our donors ask his 10 best friends to give also 1$ and therefore get our 2 films for FREE we will win the 10 000$ Bonus. 

    • We wrote a template message you can forward by email, what's app and telegram to them. Mentioning their name will help to get them involved and take action.


    As Salam Alaykoum [name]

    I just supported recently this campaign to bring quality media content to the Muslim Youth to inspire them positively about Islam. Please support today as well.


    Following your donation, you will receive in the next few days unique codes to watch two inspiring documentary films featuring 50 converts of Islam from 25 countries: FREEDOM and AFTER HATRED COMES LOVE. (Offer Valid Only Until 7pm Today Saturday 30th USA Time)

    Thank you

    Above is just an example of how you can communicate to your friends. Please help us now as we have only 12 hours left in the campaign.

    Halis Media Team

    Halis Media3 years ago

    TWO FILMS FOR JUST 1$ (Limited Offer Valid till Saturday 30th 7pm USA EST)

    We know you've already donated in this campaign, but you can get access for family and friends with just 1US$ donation! 

    As Salam Alaykoum Dear Supporters of Launchgood,

    This Saturday 30th of April, help us win US$ 10 000 by making a donation of just 1US$ (~RM5). The competition started two hours ago at 7am Malaysia Time for 24 hours (7pm Friday 29th April USA Eastern Time). 

    Support us and then share our link https://www.launchgood.com/freedomyouth to all our your friends and families so they can also watch our films for just 1US$. You win, we win. 

    Together we can do this InshaAllah.

    With Purpose,

    Halis Media Team

    1$ campaign explained by Julien Drolon: https://youtu.be/MFSDMpx7Ji8

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