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Empower Muslim Domestic Violence Survivors This Ramadan with SNAP (Sisters Need A Place)


raised of 0 USD goal

182 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Minneapolis, MN

Registered 501(c)(3)

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by May 3, 2022 at 12:00 PM EDT

I'm a survivor thanks to you. Support to help SNAP (Sisters Need A Place) continue to provide shelter and assistance to survivors of Domestic Violence & Abuse.

​Help Us Support Muslim Sisters Affected By Domestic Abuse

Your donation will help Sisters Need A Place:

  • Provide affordable housing and solutions for women fleeing domestic violence situations
  • Help empower women economically through our financial stabilization programs
  • Help educate women to help them succeed beyond their situations!

"Today I earned my newest bruise..."

My husband is a good man, but he hits me and yells at me in front of our children. I am scared and don't know where to go. I have no family here I am alone with no one to turn too. Can you help me? 

​1/3 of our calls are women with children fleeing...

This is a story SNAP hears on a frequent basis. Sisters need a supportive and safe place of refuge. 75% of our calls are an all too familiar sound of this story from the beginning. About a third of our calls are women with children fleeing a intimate partner situation. If transitional living were an option for, we will call her Rahimah, she would have a safe place to stay with her children. Rahimah is one of many sisters that are placed in a very unstable predicament when she has no alternative to go to for help.


Many sisters are threatened with some sort of abuse regularly. Financially, physically, Verbally, spiritually (this is more common with revert sister new the religion), and mentally.

​Help Stop Intimate Partner Abuse!

Where can I go?  Becomes the big question. Sisters Need A Place-SNAP is the first place to turn. We are establishing transitional living for our sisters in need. SNAP's Transitional Living Program will work with each individual sister to support them on their new journey of life.

Sisters Need A Place is here to serve:

 Our mission is to foster sisterhood with those in need through personal sustainable development.

Our vision is to provide a place for supporting sisters in vulnerable moments through; sisterhood, education, and economic empowerment.

Your Donation Helps

SNAP had provided transitional housing for women in need for many years, but in 2018 we moved to providing affordable housing. As the events of the past years have unfolded, we have determined that the need for our transitional living program is a much greater need once again. Due to the stay-at-home order in 2020, women have been forced to stay in unsafe situations with very little alternatives.

In the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Day One statewide crisis line, for victims of domestic abuse, experience a 21% increase of calls compared to the same time last year. Not only had the number of reports increased, but also the severity of the incidents, "At least 21 people in Minnesota died between January and early September as a result of confirmed intimate partner violence, matching the 21 deaths reported in all of 2019, according to data tracked by Violence Free Minnesota", and the Minneapolis police reports show that Domestic violence reports made between January and July were more severe with many involving a dangerous weapon.

"The believers, men and women, are helpers, supporters, friends and protectors of one another, they enjoin all that is good, and forbid all that is evil, they offer their prayers perfectly, and give Zakah (obligatory charity) and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah will bestow Mercy on them. Surely Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.” (Qur’an, 9: 71)


Sisters Need A Place (SNAP) founded by a sister in 1999, who saw the need to provide social services to women in need in Minneapolis, MN, because she to found herself in a vulnerable situation. Along with a couple of other sisters, the work to empower women & their families by providing a safe, culturally &religiously sensitive atmosphere in which they can grow and prosper. SNAP is committed to spiritual enrichment, intellectual freedom, and community service opportunities for women within the cultural and religious framework of Islam. Our organization provides service to the Muslims and Non-Muslim women regardless of their race or ethnic background. We work extensively with low-income, immigrants, refugees, and under-served Muslim women as well as survivors of domestic abuse.

How You Can Help:

As you prepare your donation lists for Ramadan. Keep SNAP in mind as we prepare our rooms of our established Transitional Living space. No amount is too small to give.  $5, $10, $25 plus, there is no amount that won't provide a light in that dark tunnel that each sister aims to travel through. Leaving a situation that can take you away from who you were meant to be, is very hard. Starting over is hard. How can you elevate some of this pain and suffering? Make SNAP one of the organizations you give to this Ramadan. These sisters lose themselves once they leave their vulnerable situations. Your donation will help each sister start to put their lives on to a better path.

This pathway starts with Snap's three prongs of greatness Education, Sisterhood, and Economic Empowerment and our transitional living program. It is through these programs that we are able to help our sisters by educating them in a supportive way. While showing them how to be become financially stable and securing their future through our financial stabilization program.“Some societies, and some people here, too, have decided that if women copy the West and start wearing skirts and jeans, they will find freedom, or if they are allowed to go out of their homes to work they will find freedom, but a woman in jeans can be beaten as much as a woman in a burqa.”― Imran Omer, Entangled LivesYour donation today will transform the lives of our sisters that are placed in our transitional living space. To have a supportive and influential experience a long this new journey on their path to success!

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Recent supporters

Syed Mohiuddin

$1,000 USD, 2 years ago

Naaima Khan

$1,000 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1,000 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$250 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£2 GBP, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£5 GBP, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£15 GBP, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$17 CAD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£5 GBP, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$3 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 CAD, 2 years ago

Updates 3

Sisters Need a Place2 years ago

We couldn't have done it without you!

SNAP would like to thank everyone that donated to our cause. We strive very hard to open new pathways for our displaced sister. We now have a greater opportunity to full our mission, To foster sisterhood with those in need through personal sustainable development. Because of your generous donations, we will be able to honor this through our transitional living program.

Jazakhallah khair 

Sisters Need A Place-SNAP 

Sisters Need a Place2 years ago

Give in these last few Days of Ramadan

As salaamu alaikum,

SNAP is so appreciative of all the donations we have received. We THANK YOU to those who have helped us get closer to our goal. With your donations, we will help change the lives of many sisters who are starting a new journey in this dunya.

We are now at end of our last 10 days of Ramadan and need your help to me our $20,000 goal. We need $2,941 to reach this goal. SNAP's ask is if you have a friend or family member that could donate to our cause, ask them to help inspire a change in a displaced sisters life. If your not able to do a 1 time donation, that's ok. Monthly donations are a great way to help too! 

Consider a making a monthly donation of $5 a every monthly. At the end of 12 months you will have donated $60.  No amount is ever to small, you are contributing to a beautiful cause. Donation will help SNAP place homeless and displace sisters in a our Transitional living program, where the sister will have the support needed to make the changes to create a successful path in this life. HELP SNAP reach our $20,000 goal this Ramadan by donating now! Click here to donate:

Sisters Need a Place2 years ago

We Made It!

Jazakhallah Khair to everyone for donating to help empower our displaced sisters.  Because of your generous donations, SNAP is closer then ever to opening our transitional living program. 

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