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With your support alhamdulilahi Rabil Alameen we have raised $20,000 in two weeks since the launch of our campaign to reach our all-or-nothing goal to sponsor 400 brothers and sisters with 6 months of support in our program!
With your support we would like to sponsor an additional 100 members to participate in our program.
We as a team have decided to add an additional $5,000 stretch goal to our campaign. All partial-funds will be collected at the end of our campaign.
Let us do this again!
We are Purify Your Gaze and for thousands of Muslims across the world who are impacted by pornography addiction, we are their safe place for acceptance, guidance, and healing.
We want to make healing accessible to all, regardless of where they are in the world and regardless of their financial ability.
With your backing, we are looking to launch our scholarship program with $20,000 we will use to make our essential services accessible to clients in financial hardship.
These funds will allow us to empower 400 individuals and their families with six months of support, guidance, and tools through our program to get their lives and relationships back from the control of pornography addiction.
(Watch this short video above to learn about this initiative and support us today in making a powerful difference in our communities.)
With the advent of technology and the Internet, pornography has become easily accessible, with more than 68% of young men and 18% of young women viewing it at least once a week.
For many individuals, their repeated use will lead to dependence resulting in devastating consequences, including:
And these effects are not absent from the Muslim community.
Because of the taboo nature of pornography, it generates a lot of shame and it is incredibly difficult for an addict or their family member to find or ask for help.
Without a safe network to reach out for support or counsel, often times the only respite from pain for many addicts becomes none other than their drug.
Purify Your Gaze is the first and only organization that has created a safe and anonymous platform for Muslims globally seeking support and treatment from pornography addiction.
Since 2009, we’ve been able to reach 57,000 Muslims seeking resources for recovery and we’ve been able to assist more than 2,000 in our programs.
Our 8 step Islamically-congruent therapeutic model for change empowers individuals to tackle and heal the underlying reasons that were fueling their addictive behaviors.
More importantly, it helps individuals find new and healthy ways of relating to self, to life, to others, and to God.
Our alumni include artists, doctors, students of sacred knowledge, entrepreneurs, community activists, huffaadh, and wonderful fathers and mothers. As a result of their participation in our program they have become more loving and giving.
Here are some testimonials from clients who have found healing through the power of our program:
In spite of our program's affordability, we receive multiple requests a day to join from full-time students, those in between jobs, or individuals that come from countries with weak currencies.
The predicament of needing professional support for such a sensitive situation, but not being able to afford it for some can be doubly shameful, and so many in such situations do not seek out the support they need altogether.
We don't want to see that happen to anyone which is why we've launched our scholarship program.
Our vision with this scholarship program is with the Muslim community's support to further subsidize or when appropriate waive the fees altogether for our services for all clients in financial hardship.
Through this LaunchGood campaign, we are starting our scholarship program with the achievable goal of supporting 400 clients for six months.
We hope to exceed this amount and hit our 2017 goal which is to ultimately support 1200 individuals!
We all have struggles and wounds, and we all deserve to have a safe place for support and healing.
It is our obligation as a community to give a hand to those who need our support as the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said as narrated in Sahih Muslim:
“Whoever removes a grief from a believer from amongst the sorrows of this life, Allah will remove a grief from him amongst the sorrows of the Day of Resurrection. Whoever brings ease to one in difficulty, Allah will make it easy for him in this life and the Hereafter. Whoever covers a Muslim, Allah will cover him in this life and the Hereafter. Allah is in aid of the servant so long as the servant is in aid of his brother."
It’s true that pornography addiction is often associated with dark, painful and ugly stories - but through your generosity, you will enable a new chapter to be added:
A chapter where sincere brothers and sisters will God willing able to turn their lives and relationships around from despair and destruction to deep levels of love, light, meaning, and intimacy.
1. Please select one of the giving levels and sponsor a Brother or Sister's journey towards healing and change.
2. Please pray for the success of this organization and for Allah SWT to grant a full recovery and healing to all individuals and families impacted by pornography addiction.
3. Share this LaunchGood campaign via email and social media with all your family and friends.
Jazakum Allahu Khairun
Purify Your Gaze
A Gift Of Clarity
Your sponsorship will provide an initial assessment to 5 individuals in pre-recovery who are looking to learn more about their unwanted behaviors. In gratitude for your gift, we will add your name to our contributors and supporters on our website.
86 claimed
A Seed For Healing
Sponsor 1 brother or sister with 6 months of recovery support in the Purify Your Gaze program. You will receive access to an hour long workshop we have put together on how to lead an emotionally intelligent life.
46 claimed
Kickstart A Recovery
Support 3 brothers or sisters with 6 months of recovery support in the Purify Your Gaze program. You will receive one ticket to our upcoming live virtual summit on Creating Safe Places For Healing In Our Communities.
13 claimed
Build A Foundation For Healing
Support 6 brothers or sisters with 6 months of recovery support in the Purify Your Gaze program. You will receive all of the previous perks and also receive a personal thank you message from a scholarship recipient who benefited from your donation.
9 claimed
Transform A Family
Support 10 brothers or sisters with 6 months of recovery support in the Purify Your Gaze program. You will receive all of the previous perks and also a monthly progress report from the scholarship recipient and you can send a direct message of support, encouragement.
4 claimed
Heal A Community
The Purify Your Gaze team will visit your community to host a one-day workshop to raise awareness and provide a dedicated training for Imams, counselors, community activists on how to support individuals and families impacted by pornography and sex addiction. (Limited to US/Canada)
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An Anonymous kind soul
Verdah Ahmad
An Anonymous kind soul
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An Anonymous kind soul
Khairul Anwar
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
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An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Kiffette Kiffette
An Anonymous kind soul
Dadapeer Shaik
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
50% reached!! Here's a special treat we prepared for you :)
We are so delighted and grateful to share that with your generous support in just 8 days since launch we have reached 58% of our goal of making healing and recovery from pornography and sexual addiction accessible to 400 of your brothers and sisters!
To mark this milestone, the Purify Your Gaze Team has worked hard putting this VERY special message together, so it would mean the world if you took a moment to listen and share!
What. A. Week.
Asalam Alaikum,
You rock! In our first week, you helped us:
We'd like to start with gratitude. AlhamdulAllah that He made this campaign possible, and that He blessed us with your support along the journey.
Check out these updates and please share - you never know who might hear something that could change their life just by you taking 20 seconds to share this important message.
In today's update, Zeyad Ramadan shares 3 qualities that make a family more susceptible to the development of addiction.
Also, Imam Sohail Chaudhry of the Islamic Society of Greater Lansing gives us the insider view into his experiences counseling Muslim youth and families impacted by pornography addiction.
Jazakum Allah khairan for your efforts!
The Purify Your Gaze Team
Day 3 update from the driver's seat!
Asalam Alaikum,
It's already been 3 days since the #HealingTogether campaign went LIVE!
We need your help to get to 50% - Please check out the updates below, join the conversation, and share our important message with your friends!
Zeyad Ramadan, founder of PYG, recorded this special message from the driver's seat of his car - and it's all about the importance of self-acceptance on the road of recovery.
This is a super important message for anyone who is a leader or mentor responsible for helping people grow.
And don't miss today's second update by Karim Serageldin, Psychologist, Counselor and Coach at Purify Your Gaze where shares his reflection on why his work with Purify Your Gaze is important to him.
W'asalam Alaikum,
The Purify Your Gaze Team
Why this matters
Asalam Alaikum,
It's day 3 of the #HealingTogether campaign - and the community at large is already beginning to see just how necessary it is that we create safe spaces in our communities for those with addictions or mental health issues to find healing.
Now that we're a few days in this is a crucial time and we've got to work together to keep the conversation going!
In our latest update, AbdulAziz Khalid Syed - LSW, Certified Sex Addiction Therapist Candidate and Members' Experience Manager at Purify Your Gaze - shares his perspective on why this work matters.
Check out the update, join the conversation, and help us reach more conscious community members like yourself!
With deep gratitude for your support,
The Purify Your Gaze Team
Thanks to you, we're off to a strong start! Here's what's new...
Asalam Alaikum,
A HUGE thank you to you for being one of our very special early contributors! Through you're support we've reached 25% of our goal within 32 hours alhamdulillah!
There's still work to do, and you can still support the #HealingTogether movement.
Over the course of this campaign we will be releasing special content that will serve as great conversation starters for you to share via your social network and email.
Check out the latest updates!
Click to hear this update by Zeyad Ramadan on the connection between addiction and mental health. Is addiction simply a sinning-problem or is there more to the story?
Click here to listen to this very special message put together by the PYG team - Zeyad, Bara, AbdulAziz, and Karim. They answer the question "what do you want the world to know?"
With gratitude for your support,
The Purify Your Gaze Team
Every donation is backed by our Trust & Safety guarantee.
Each fundraiser is reviewed by our team to ensure they are legitimate.
Our encryption and security protocols protect your personal information and financial data.
We take great care in providing a world-class giving experience.
Backed by our Trust & Safety guarantee