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Impact: Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia
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Alhamdulillah Barakallah!
We would like to say Thank you for your trust in our institution. Insya Allah, your donation already transformed to the programs to fulfill those basic needs in the refugee camps Central Sulawesi. 1,27 Million USD in total (online and offline donation) already delivered to IDPs in Palu, Sigi, and Donggala in 2018-2019.
“Aajaraka-llahuma fiima a'thaita, wa baraaka laka fiimaa abqaita, waj'alhu laka thahuuraa"
May Allah SWT reward you for the assets that have been given and blessed over the remaining assets. Amin ya Rabbal Alamin.
Health Services Program - Emergency Integrated Healthcare Center
Psychological First Aid and Food Truck Program
82.775 people have been displaced, with assessments ongoing.
Landslides, debris, and a shortage of fuel and electricity have hampered aid efforts as humanitarian groups struggle to reach the hardest-hit areas on a part of Sulawesi’s western coast, where thousands of people are feared to be still trapped or missing.
The electricity and the communication network in Donggala and surrounding areas was off. It can't operate because PLN's electricity supply was broken. There are 276 base stations that cannot be used.
Damage has been severe in Palu and Sigi, an area south of the city, almost 50 percent of the buildings have collapsed or are severely damaged.
The Governor of Central Sulawesi has implemented the earthquake and tsunami emergency response period in Central Sulawesi Province for 14 days (valid 28/09/2018 to 11/10/2018)
Based on the assessment from Disaster Management Centre of Dompet Dhuafa, urgent needs immediately including fuel, body bags for the rising number of dead, drinking water and meals, emergency shelters, baby food, and medicine, medical staff, field hospital and generators.
Dompet Dhuafa Rescue Team team already arrived in the location and joint with the other volunteers to do evacuation and emergency response.
All of us need to pray for the victims in Palu, Sulawesi and around! There is no source of power or strength other than Allah, and they are all in desperate need of His love, mercy, and support (along with us as well).
Beside it, they need our help immediately to fulfil they emergency needs.
At the end, don't forget to share this campaign on your own social media, hopefully, every kind people all over the world know about what they needed today.
Warm Regards from Sulawesi- Indonesia.
May Allah bless us always.
One Step Closer!
Thank's for support the emergency response in Sulawesi.
2 claimed
Hygiene Packs
Help us deliver personal hygiene packs that will include: disposable panties, sanitary napkins, towel, toothbrush, shampoo, body wash and toothpaste.
5 claimed
Meals Pack
The first thing that they need in the emergency situation is food. With your donation will make a family safe for 3 days.
12 claimed
Clothing Vouchers
Thousands of families stand to lose everything they have, this includes their clothes. With this donation, you give the essential clothes for a family.
4 claimed
Medical Aid
This will help Doctors for medical aid kits and assistance for over 100 people, which is CRITICAL at this point.
0 claimed
Tools & Equipment to build Shelter
After gaining safe from the earthquake, the first step will be to evacuate them through build them shelters. This pack will include the tools and equipment needed to build shelters for the victims
2 claimed
Hae-Joon Lee
Megan McShane
An Anonymous kind soul
Rayeed Anwar
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Hadi Bakar
An Anonymous kind soul
Umair Minhas
An Anonymous kind soul
Dodi Hendra
An Anonymous kind soul
anika kamal
Yayan Surayan
Adnan Alkhuwaiter
Maryam Maryam
Mohamad Arabi
nadia m
Abu Moosa
An Anonymous kind soul
URGENT! The Orphans need our Help.
Assalamualaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh
Marhaban Ya Ramadan :)
Dear beloved Brother and sister,
Through this email, we would like to say Thank you for your trust in our institution. Insya Allah, your donation already distributed to IDPs in Central Sulawesi. (We update the report on Campaign wall)
“Aajaraka-llahuma fiima a'thaita, wa baraaka laka fiimaa abqaita, waj'alhu laka thahuuraa"
May Allah SWT reward you for the assets that have been given and blessed over the remaining assets. Amin ya Rabbal Alamin.
May Allah’s be upon you. I hope you and your family are staying safe during this challenging period.
Alhamdulillah, Allah gives us another chance to meet Ramadan month and reflect on how we are living our lives. By fasting, we are reminded of what life could be like without food and Allah gives us reward through a meal at iftar together with beloved family.
But, how about the orphans who lived in the orphanage? They are standing on themselves during Ramadan even on a daily basis and they are counting on kindness from people to help them.
If you don’t mind, with your five dollars you can deliver iftar box (meal box) for those orphans. You can visit
Let’s help them together :)
May Allah accept all of our good deeds and bestow over us more blessings.
Warm Regards,
Selvy Safitri
CSR and International Partnership
Latest Reporting Update
We would like to say Thank you for your trust in our institution. Insya Allah, your donation already transformed to the programs to fulfill those basic needs in the refugee camps Central Sulawesi. 1,27 Million USD in total (online and offline donation) already delivered to IDPs in Palu, Sigi, and Donggala in 2018-2019.
“Aajaraka-llahuma fiima a'thaita, wa baraaka laka fiimaa abqaita, waj'alhu laka thahuuraa"
May Allah SWT reward you for the assets that have been given and blessed over the remaining assets. Amin ya Rabbal Alamin.
Health Services Program - Emergency Integrated Healthcare Center
Psychological First Aid and Food Truck Program
Thanks for your donation :)
Hello! I am Selvy, International partnership Dompet Dhuafa.
I would you like say thank you very much for your donation. We appreciate your kindness. Hopefully, it will help the victims a lot in Center of Sulawesi.
We inform you that currently there were more than 1.000 people died because of the tsunami and powerful earthquake. Dompet Dhuafa rescue team with other institutions were doing evacuation and emergency response until now.
Please, make as much du’a as you can carry for the victims also rescue team who did work. Thank you.
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Keep holding on,
Contact: +62 822 8109 9490
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