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Organized by Ibn Daud Books

A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine


raised of 0 GBP goal

127 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: United Kingdom

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by November 3, 2020 at 7:00 PM EST

Be the Best You. Make The Best Investment. Invest in Yourself.

A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine is your fully referenced (from Quran and Sunnah), beautifully designed, easy to follow guide to help treat over 20 ailments of the heart including Anger, Love of The World, Negative Feelings, and more! We're proud to bring you this offer available exclusively through LaunchGood to hopefully assist in purifying your heart through treating specific maladies and bring you closer to our Almighty Creator.


"A beautifully structured and well-presented work, highlighting one of the most important aspects of Islamic teachings - purifying the heart from blameworthy character traits and replacing them with praiseworthy ones."

- Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari / Director & Researcher - Darul Iftaa

    "The author has put in a lot of hard work to ensure that the reader can reflect and ponder over his shortcomings, which is a continuing duty upon a Muslim. This work will enable the reader to self-analyse and assist him or herself in meeting their Creator with a 'sound heart'.There are some very relevant issues mentioned and I'm certain that those who will read the work with a view to correcting their inner souls will be benefited immensely from the work."

- Dr Shaykh Ashram Makadam / Director of Trust - Madani Schools Federation

Mashā-Allāh, it has been compiled in great detail yet in an easy-to-follow format. If read with the guidance of a shaykh (spiritual guide) then inshā’Allāh it will aid greatly, be of much benefit and ease the path to the attainment of tazkiyah.

- Mawlana Muhammad Yahya / Director - An Nasihah Publications

Watch our Live Stream featured on Ramadan Radio:

About The Book

26 Diseases & their Definitions

Defining a disease at the start of each chapter helps the reader understand and recognise its characteristics

250 + Signs and Symptoms

Highlighting how signs and symptoms of a spiritual disease manage to creep up on a person

Tabular Design

Presenting spiritual information in a clear and structured format that makes it easy to reference, understand and therefore implement

7 Step Cycle of Self-purification

A detailed explanation of each step of the continual cycle of self-improvement, so that you can create your own personalised programme to improve your spiritual health

1000+ References

References have been fully verified by qualified scholars using ‘The Clear Qur’ān’ translation and authentic Prophetic narrations, alongside beneficial advice from the most famous works of Imām Al-Ghazālī (RA)

500+ Academic and Practical Remedies

Apply the ‘academic’ or conceptual remedies, in terms of better understanding your faith and refining your perspective, and begin to turn things around by putting practical day-to-day actions in place

Traffic Light Approach

An easy to reference Red-Amber-Green system makes it easy to identify maladies of the heart (red), potential remedies (green), and possible exceptions (amber) across each disease

Social Media

The real and potential negative impact that social media has on our spiritual growth, compared with ways that its influence can be harnessed for benefit

Tree Diagram

An easy to reference contents page so that you can see at a glance the signs and symptoms, remedies and exceptions associated with each disease of the heart

The Process

"Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Take up good deeds only as much as you are able, for the best deeds are those done regularly even if they are few.”

- Prophet Muhammad PBUH [Ibn Mājah: 4240]​

A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine outlines an easy to follow, seven step process for your self-purification. Ultimately you must hold yourself accountable, but the process will help you ensure your progress is steady, trackable, and consistent inshā’Allāh.

Not Ready To Commit?

If you'd like to take a sneak peak inside the book, you can download a free sample from our website. Simply enter your name and email address and we'll send you a free sample PDF to browse.

About the Author

Being a British-born Muslim, I have been a seeker of faith from my adolescent years. The son of Pakistani immigrants, my upbringing came from steadfast parents who led by example. We had no access to an Islamic school growing up in the seventies and eighties in Britain. We were blessed that we learnt the practice of faith through their actions. Their generosity of heart, compassion for those less fortunate, and raising us to be confident in our Muslim identity served as the backdrop to our upbringing.

Once I left home to attend university, the negotiation of my identity as a person of faith with the distractions of youth in the new surroundings was sometimes challenging, but I got through the four-year minefield with the help of a book called, “Purification of the Heart: Signs, Symptoms and Cures of the Spiritual Diseases of the Heart” by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Hanson. It was this text that was the inspiration, in my mind, to one day create a ‘guidebook’ of sorts that would focus on self-purification. I thought to myself that it would be practical to have a pocket book that addressed the maladies of the human spiritual condition and offered up the remedies too. This idea lay dormant for a decade or more as life rolled surely along, and I adapted to professional life as an IT consultant, deciding to marry and settle down.

In my forties and a family man, there came a more ardent desire to create a handbook that would help people overcome the boundaries to living their best. But it had to be something accessible, easy to pick up during our busy lives in this modern, high-tech era. I needed to address the struggles and insecurities we all face and offer the antidotes to those ailments, using evidence from the Qurān and authentic ahādīth (Prophetic sayings). The result was a spiritual guide to the self, a handbook of tazkiyah, or self- purification that will, I hope, prove accessible to people of all ages and denominations. Not being a scholar or a professional writer, the journey of self-publishing was an enlightening one and I’m indebted to the kind people who guided me along the way. Who knows, I may even continue the journey with a sequel one day, Lord willing.

The Time to Invest In Yourself is Now!

There are two options to choose from:

1. A Portable Paperback (light, compact & easy to carry)

2. A Premium Hardback (durable & with an elegant satin ribbon bookmark)

This offer is available exclusively on LaunchGood!

Estimated delivery is 2 - 3 weeks after the campaign ان شاء الله 

Please ensure you select the correct tier to match your product and location of choice. Percentage savings have been rounded for the sake of simplicity.

May Allah accept from us both, and cleanse our hearts for the day we meet Him Subhaanu-wa-Ta'Ala. Amin.

Your giving amount


Back it because you believe it

Support the project just because it speaks to you.

1 claimed


Worldwide - 1 x Starter eBook - SAVE 50%

Not ready to commit entirely just yet? Well, we have a 71 page eBook that comprises of the introduction, recommendations, the 7-step Continual Cycle of Self-Purification, and the entire chapters on Anger and Negative feelings! That's everything you need to get you started and if anger or negative feelings are the areas you need to work on, this will be perfect.

15 claimed


UK ONLY - Early Bird - SAVE 20%

LIMITED for the early birds. Your choice of either: 1 x Portable Paperback OR 1 x Premium Hardcover copy of A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine. Includes free shipping! *UK ONLY*

Sold out!

10 of 10 claimed


UK ONLY - 1 x Portable Paperback - SAVE 10%

1 x Portable Paperback copy of A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine. Includes free shipping! *UK ONLY*

28 claimed


USA ONLY - Early Bird - SAVE 20%

LIMITED for the early birds. Your choice of either: 1 x Portable Paperback OR 1 x Premium hardcover copy of a Handbook of Spiritual Medicine. Includes free shipping! *USA ONLY*

Sold out!

10 of 10 claimed


UK ONLY - 1 x Premium Hardcover - SAVE 10%

1 x Premium Hardcover version of A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine. Includes free shipping! *UK ONLY*

33 claimed


USA ONLY - 1 x Portable Paperback - SAVE 10%

1 x Paperback copy of a Handbook of Spiritual Medicine. Includes free shipping! *USA ONLY*

10 claimed


USA ONLY - 1 x Premium Hardback - SAVE 10%

1 x Premium Hardcover version of a Handbook of Spiritual Medicine. Includes free shipping! *USA ONLY*

4 claimed


UK ONLY - 2 x Combo - SAVE 15%

Can't decide on one? Get both! 1 x Paperback copy AND 1 x Premium Hardcover copy of a Handbook of Spiritual Medicine. The perfect gift for yourself and a loved one. Includes free shipping. *UK ONLY*

6 claimed


USA ONLY - 2 x Combo - SAVE 15%

Can't decide on one? Get both! 1 x Paperback copy AND 1 x Premium Hardcover copy of a Handbook of Spiritual Medicine. The perfect gift for yourself and a loved one. Includes free shipping. *USA ONLY*

3 claimed


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Recent supporters

fouzia babar

£29 GBP, 4 years ago


£25 GBP, 4 years ago

A W Ebrahim

£38 GBP, 4 years ago


£23 GBP, 4 years ago


£5 GBP, 4 years ago

Eiasha Jaura

£29 GBP, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£23 GBP, 4 years ago

Tunzela munir

£23 GBP, 4 years ago

Tahir dawood

£25 GBP, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£5 GBP, 4 years ago


£18 GBP, 4 years ago

A W Ebrahim

£23 GBP, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£18 GBP, 4 years ago

Anisah Hamid

£23 GBP, 4 years ago

Jamila Patel

£23 GBP, 4 years ago

Zaineb Khan

£50 GBP, 4 years ago

Aysha Athar

£23 GBP, 4 years ago

Mashal Parekh

£23 GBP, 4 years ago


£25 GBP, 4 years ago

Mandar Marathe

£50 GBP, 4 years ago

Updates 3

Ibn Daud Books4 years ago

Shipping updates and Opportunity!

Abu Mas’ud reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like one who did it.”

[Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1893]

Assalaamuaikum Wa Rahmatullahi WaBarakaatuh.

Firstly Jazaakum-الله-khayran to all our supporters in getting our campaign this far. We thank الله سبحانه وتعالى for helping us getting our campaign out there and infront of you :) As a small family-run team it really means the world to us!

We still, however, have a lot of ground to cover before reaching our ambitious goal ان شاء الله سبحانه وتعالى. And if supporting us wasn't enough we're going to ask you for one more favour. There will be something in it for you we we promise ان شاء الله سبحانه وتعالى :) 

Fortunately, it's really simple and will only take a few seconds! If you could share our campaign on your social media / WhatsApp groups it will go a long way in helping us. And it's just 2 click! From our campaign page simply scroll down and a little bar will popup on the top (using Desktop) or the bottom (using Mobile). 


Here you will find the share icons. Clicking on them will share the campaign on your social platforms of choice. It's that easy! Now imagine someone does support the campaign because of you putting in on social media. Everytime they read, and practice upon what they've learned and get closer to الله سبحانه وتعالى ,by His Rahmah, they will get reward. And the Prophet (PBUH) mentions that you will get a reward like that ان شاء الله سبحانه وتعالى . Isn't Islam so beautiful and الله سبحانه وتعالى The Most Merciful? Happy Sharing :)


Now that you've shared the campaign, we're sure you'd like to know more about shipping dates. We've been working closely with our printers and couriers and are pleased to announce the following dates.

  • UK - Shipping Begins Week Commencing 26/10/2020. 
  • US - Shipping Begins Week Commencing 09/11/2020.

Estimated delivery will be 14 days from the dates above ان شاء الله سبحانه وتعالى .

***EDIT*** We'd previously asked for shipping addresses but Alhumdulillah they're available through LaunchGood. Sincere apologies for being asleep at the wheel there :)


 We Ask الله to accept our efforts so far and are extremely excited to have you as a supporter. Jazaakum-الله سبحانه وتعالى-Khayr!


-- The Ibn Daud Team

Ibn Daud Books4 years ago

A Golden Handbook of Spiritual Medicine!

Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh.

Bismillah. I pray that all of you are well and in the best of health in these telling times. 

Full disclosure, good and err, not so exciting news (but we can explain!)

First the good news. All praise is due to الله سبحانه وتعالى . 

This is the first iteration of our book, which if we may so so, looks good alhumdulillah. But in our persistent strive for excellence we wanted to make it just a little better by the will of الله سبحانه وتعالى. 

Through some interesting conversations with our designers and printers, we're proud to announce that A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine has a brand new cover!

Both Premium Hardback, and Portable Paperback will now be embellished and detailed in beautiful gold-foil. Best news is that all our supporters will be the first to receive these new covers at no extra charge :)

The not so great news, is that for many reasons our campaign has not performed as well as we'd hoped. And الله سبحانه وتعالى knows best. We've made a decision just to extend the campaign for a little while (15 days to be exact). I know this is not the best news as many of our supporters are excited to have their products shipped to them. 

What we're going to do ان شاء الله is to try to keep to the original deadline of 2-3 weeks estimated dispatch after the campaign ends, and we can ان شاء الله try to ship them a little faster (maybe 1 week) after the campaign ends. Our team will be discussing this in the next few days and come up with a plan as to make the dispatch as fast as possible. 

We sincerely hope this won't affect your supporting our campaign and we'll be able to get your orders out to you ASAP. We thank you for your patience and understanding and ask sincere forgiveness ان شاء الله . 

May الله سبحانه وتعالى accept from us and bring us closer to him. May الله سبحانه وتعالى make us from amongst those whom are blessed with shade on the day where there is no shade except for His SubhaanuwaTala.


Ibn Daud Books4 years ago

UK Early Bird Tiers Sold Out!

Assalaamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh :)

JazaakumAllah Khayr to everyone who has supported us so far! May الله سبحانه وتعالى accept our efforts ان شاء الله in becoming better people and trying to get as close to Him Azza-Wa Jall.

Abu Dharr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Allah Almighty says: Whoever comes with a good deed will have the reward of ten like it and even more. Whoever comes with an evil deed will be recompensed for one evil deed like it or he will be forgiven. Whoever draws close to me by the length of a hand, I will draw close to him by the length of an arm. Whoever draws close to me the by length of an arm, I will draw close to him by the length of a fathom. Whoever comes to me walking, I will come to him running. Whoever meets me with enough sins to fill the earth, not associating any idols with me, I will meet him with as much forgiveness.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2687

Keen on more Thawaab?

By the mercy of الله سبحانه وتعالى  All the UK Early Bird books have been sold! We're still a way of our end goal and would love if you could share our campaign with your family and friends. If they use this book to get closer to Quran, Sunnah, and الله سبحانه وتعالى  because you shared it with them الله سبحانه وتعالى  will reward you as well ان شاء الله.

We've got some exciting news regarding our book as well that we cannot wait to share with you :) We know you're going to love it ان شاء الله سبحانه وتعالى !

May الله سبحانه وتعالى  accept from you and us ان شاء الله !


-- The Ibn Daud Team


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