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“And give food (despite of your love for it) to the poor, the orphan, and the captive (regardless of faith)” [Qur'an, 76:8]
I will be personally distributing your aid this Ramadan 1444H to some of the most needy people on the planet today.
Countless of people are in need spread over countries such as: Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia and Togo.
MATW are on the ground aiding people of all these areas providing much needed aid to families, widows, orphans and the elderly.
Many have been through unimaginable trials and tribulations. We cannot fathom escaping across borders, bullets flying between our legs, bombings surrounding us, seeing the death of loved ones, and entering a new country you must now call “home”. Despite all this, when we enter their refugee shelters, tents, and homes, they greet us with a smile and offer any food and drink they have to their name.
Let us be the one's that give them a reason to smile this Ramadan! It's time for us to share our blessings and joy in this blessed month.
In return, you will be the one they make Du’a for before they open their fasts this Ramadan. The most powerful Du’a you can possibly receive.
"There is no barrier between it [the Du'a of the oppressed person] and Allah". - Prophet Muhammad SAW
“We have only Allah, then you.” - 12 Year old Syrian Orphan
Our work is only possible thanks to you.
As a pillar of your faith, MATW handles your Zakat donation with the upmost care. This means that 100% of the Zakat you donate will be directed towards only the Most-Needy. If you require help in calculating your Zakat, please contact +447403355566 or
See your aid in action:
An Anonymous kind soul
faisal jamshaid
An Anonymous kind soul
Subhia Abed
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
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An Anonymous kind soul
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An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
We have 24 hours to make this happen!
Keep 1,000 Orphans warm this winter
That’s right, our mission within 24 hours is to clothe and feed 1,000 orphans in our care. Will you help us do this?
We have a 100% donation policy, so every penny you give goes to our work in the field.
Time is running out, please support below
Give. Share. Make Dua.
1 day to Eid! Have you made your Qurbani order yet? Be quick!
This day is like no other, the day of Arafah, where Allah brings waves of his mercy upon mankind. Open up your heart and ask Allah for His forgiveness and blessings.
Today is an excellent opportunity to give your Qurbani, even in Gaza!
And to support Palestinian orphans with essentials and Qurbani Meat you can donate here:
Give your Fitrana / Zakat Al Fitr to Gaza
As the blessed month of Ramadan comes to a close, don’t forget to give your Fitrana / Zakat Al Fitr.
This year we’re delivering especially in Gaza and to those in most need.
Give your Fitrana / Zakat Al Fitr here >
You can also give an orphan and impoverished child an Eid Gift to help put a smile on their face :)
Catch the last odd night of Ramadan
Take this moment and opportunity to give what you can before we lose this blessed month of Ramadan.
This could be your ticket to Jannah.
The most powerful story is no story at all...
Meet Kareem. He is 13 years old, from Gaza city. Him and his family lost their home and everything inside. He escaped the bombardment with his family and went south to Rafah.
He arrived literally 2 days ago with his father, mother and 3 of his siblings. He's currently sharing a small apartment with friends from Gaza which we just helped to fit out with household items aiding their resettlement in Egypt since becoming refugees
When I asked Kareem to give insight into what he went through, he refused because it's too traumatic...
Never in any deployment to help people from war torn countries has this happened before. They always give at least some insight into what they saw and experienced
If it wasn't for the embarrassment of Kareem comforting me when I cry next to him, I would have balled my eyes out right there
My heart is too heavy these last couple days. We can't change anything in their past or recover what they've lost. Let's at least let them know we care 💔
We're on the ground and ready to serve. Donate here:
Have you caught Laylatul Qadr yet?
These nights in Ramadan are very special. They give us every opportunity to do good and give for the sake of Allah. We don’t know when Laylatul Qadr is, but we try our best to catch it and reap multiple rewards.
Right now in Gaza children are dying from starvation. Families are having to eat grass and leaves and mix them with salty sea water, which has been polluted with sewage. This combination makes them sick immediately after consuming. But that’s all they have.
So what are we doing about it? We will be questioned on the Day of Judgement about this moment.
MATW have been delivering since the beginning of the conflict. We’ve had over 76 trucks full of Aid and 2 air drops enter Gaza. You have allowed us to do this. And we are not stopping. But we need your support right now.
Help us save children from starvation in Gaza right now.
Please give what you can to save a life.
This could get you to Jannah!
When Allah grants you a gift you should grab it with both hands. What you do for the people of Palestine could be the reason you enter Jannah. And the last thing we want is to be questioned about what we did when our brothers and sisters were crying for our help! So seek the blessings of this auspicious night and maximise your reward when you give.
Palestine needs you over these blessed nights
Allah is closer to us than we can imagine. Now is the time to really do what we can. These are special nights where we pray and give for the sake of Allah. Increase our iman and actions on these special nights. The most blessed in the entire year.
It’s what we’ve been waiting for, so lets not miss the opportunity.
Don’t give up on Palestine
Raise up your actions today and throughout this blessed month of Ramadan. This is our opportunity to please Allah and gain multiples of reward. Don’t be shy, go get as much reward as you possibly can, as time is running out and we are past half way through Ramadan already. Just think if you’ve done enough! These moments are absolute opportunities we can’t miss. Grab it with both hands because the reward is incredible.
Palestine needs you right now. Do something about it and please Allah.
Palestine needs your support
Palestine needs you. Your brothers, your sisters, your children need your support. When one part of the ummah hurts, the rest of us feel its pain.
Turn that pain into action and help us deliver life-saving food provisions to families in desperate need. Gaza is suffering. They need your help.
Over 800,000 women and children are on the brink of starvation in Palestine this Ramadan. Help us to stop the hunger and save lives today.
Your donation counts, and your reward from Allah is incredible, especially on a day like today.
125 Days on the Ground in Palestine
I'll distributing your winter aid in Pakistan tomorrow
Today I found myself back on the field in Pakistan. Specifically in the mountains; Kaghan, KPK. An area very few would visit except if passing through to reach more prominent tourist sites within this beautiful province.
I really had a strong epiphany today as I realised a new essence to cyclical poverty. The fact was that when I arrived to my hotel last night, I barely caught an hour's sleep because of the cold. This was despite being indoors, with a personal gas heater, layered up in a bed and a thick blanket. The -4°C cold on the other side of the door had sunken itself completely inside the room and it was hell bent on sticking around as temperatures will drop to -8°C this week.
We left in the morning for Kaghan. Seeing the people's living condition left me very upset. It's not like I saw devestating conditions, but rather the reality of their situation was devestating. 3 months of the year they're stuck in upto 15ft of snow. The other months, the kids may or may not have a teacher for them to study under. They have no madrasah to learn their religion. 0 job prospects or agriculture. Medical help is non existent. And their homes are as bare as can be. The same homes they repaired with their own hands after the 2005 7.6 magnitude Earthquake which claimed a massive 86,000+ lives, including lives in this very region.
I sat with kids burning plastic they found as shown pictured. I asked how else they keep themselves warm, to which one child answered they don't have much of anything. It can get to -18°C in the middle of winter. There is no real way out of this life for them, as shown with my interview of Mamaji who was 85 years old and saw no change in her living standard since being born. It's practically a prison created between mountains.
I pray Allah accepts from both me and you this noble effort. MATW Project is the only charity to ever help these people, and it's impossible to not make the intention to continue to help. Today we gave 100 food packs out, and tomorrow we will be distributing heaters, blankets and mattresses as part of our winter appeal. I ask you all to dig deep so we can continue to provide this help to these most vulnerable people in need, from the orphans, to the widows, to the elderly, whether they be in Pakistan or elsewhere in the world.
Please donate generously at this link:
This Jummah, don’t leave them out in the cold!
Salaam, Jummah is a special day of duas.
We can’t help but think of all of the orphans who are left to fend for themselves in the coming winter season.
Orphans like Samia (pictured here)
At only 12 years old, Samia takes care of her younger siblings. After her father was killed in the conflict, her family fled to seek safety in Lebanon.
The tent they live in barely protects them.
At night, she plays a game with her siblings till they sleep so they can forget their hunger.
Samia is one of the millions of orphaned children who will face a harsh winter season this year.
From Lebanon to Palestine, these children of conflict are forced to question their survival, not knowing if they’ll see another day.
You can change that. Protect an orphan this Jummah and elevate your Akhirah.
Please donate at the following link:
A crisis in a crisis. Winter in Palestine.
A man-made humanitarian catastrophe has been created for 2.3 million people.
1.7 million have fled from their homes, with many now seeking refuge inside of tents.
Everything is limited. Food, Water, Medical Aid, Winter clothes, Blankets, Mattresses, and even Shelters...
The weather is dipping rapidly in the Middle East Nights. Join MATW as we provide new winter clothes to orphans, food to vulnerable families, and shelter + heating solutions to those most in need.
Warmth is Life. Donate now.
We knew this day would come...
Ceasefire Over. 175 killed in Palestine within hours.
The current statistics stand at this...
* At least 15,000 have now been killed since the start of the conflict.
* This includes at least over:
* 6,150 children
* 4,000 women
* 36,000 critically injured
* More than 75% of the injured are children and women
* And at least 6,800 people are reported missing
We can't let this continue.
Please help us do what we can to save as many lives as possible. We've been on the ground since the beginning delivering life-saving aid every single day, because of your support.
We need you now. Please help.
Donate at:
We only have 24 hours.
Help us care for as many vulnerable orphans this winter as possible! We can win $25,000 matched funding today if we can get at least 2000 people to donate absolutely anything by 5am GMT, as low as even £1. Will you be one of them? Be quick as we only have 24 hours. Here is the link:
Remember to share on to your own family and friends!
Yes. It is BLACK FRIDAY in Palestine too...
But it’s different to what you’d expect because of this…
* At least 14,532 have been killed
* Including at least:
* 6,000 children
* 4,000 women
* At least 35,000 have been injured
* More than 75 percent are children and women
* At least 6,800 are missing
Right now we have a pause in the bombing and assault on innocent lives.
Right now we can respond with humanitarian support and provide food, water, medical aid and essentials.
Right now is an opportunity for you to save a life with your donation.
Donate here:
I made a mistake!
Donut moment, I forgot to add the fundraising link for Palestine in my last update! You can find it here, jazakallah khair :)
Your brother,
Your aid has made it through Gaza's borders, alhamdulillah!
In the face of an ongoing blockade, closed borders, and limited humanitarian aid pauses, MATW Project has worked tirelessly to make partnerships at the top level in Egypt and Jordan, and alhamdulillah our trucks and plane cargo have safely made their way through Gaza
On this day, please donate and share this fundraiser. Have a look at the difference YOU have made!
This moment is precious!
DONATE HERE > Feed Orphans this Dhul Hijjah | LaunchGood
Give your Qurbani here...
On this blessed day of the year, make your Qurbani donation here:
Qurbani for Refugees and Impoverished | LaunchGood
Don't forget to pay your Fitrana, and give an Orphan a gift this Eid :)
Alhamdulillah we've seen the close of Ramadan and welcome the new month of Shawwal with Eid. May Allah SWT accept every second you spent in his worship at night, every letter you recited from the Qur'an, and every penny you donated to the needy, ameen!
Fitrana to be paid before Eid Salah >>
Gift an Orphan with an Eid Gift! >>
Eid Mubarak :)
Seal your Ramadan with Sadaqah
Ramadan is nearly up, and even though we are tired, it will be worth it inshallah. Let's make sure we seal Ramadan with Sadaqah and pray that Allah grants us the opportunity for another Ramadan.
Here you can support these campaigns:
Support Orphans:
Feed Orphans:
Provide Food to Orphans this Ramadan | LaunchGood
Supporting vulnerable families:
Your Zakat. Her Backbone. | LaunchGood
Zakat for Refugees:
Wajahat's Ramadan Deployment 2023 - Zakat and Sadaqah for Most Needy | LaunchGood
Water for Life:
Water for All: Give the Best Charity! | LaunchGood
Restore Eyesight:
Project Noor - Eyesight Restoration | LaunchGood
Support Palestine:
Gaza Emergency Appeal - Help Save Lives Now | LaunchGood
Give Zakat Ul Fitr / Fitrana:
Fitrana/Zakat-ul-Fitr for the Most Needy | LaunchGood
Make this your key to Jannah!
Don't let this night slip through your fingers...
Nights like this come but once a year. Please don't let it pass you by.
Spend the night in prayer, dhikr and charity. Make it special for you.
Your donation tonight could be your key to Jannah.
Wajahat's Ramadan Deployment 2023 - Zakat and Sadaqah for Most Needy | LaunchGood
Give with kindness, Allah SWT loves those who are kind.
The best thing you can do this Ramadan to catch Laylatul Qadr is prepare.
Here you can support these campaigns with you Zakat and Sadaqah:
Support Orphans:
Feed Orphans:
Provide Food to Orphans this Ramadan | LaunchGood
Zakat for Refugees:
Wajahat's Ramadan Deployment 2023 - Zakat and Sadaqah for Most Needy | LaunchGood
Water for Life:
Water for All: Give the Best Charity! | LaunchGood
Syrian and Palestinian Refugee Families:
Your Zakat. Her Backbone. | LaunchGood
Restore Eyesight:
Project Noor - Eyesight Restoration | LaunchGood
Support Palestine:
Gaza Emergency Appeal - Help Save Lives Now | LaunchGood
Give Zakat Ul Fitr / Fitrana:
Fitrana/Zakat-ul-Fitr for the Most Needy | LaunchGood
Praying Allah SWT accepts your good deeds, duas and Ramadan!
Give what you can and make this Ramadan your key to Jannah.
Your Zakat. Her Backbone.
Can you help a refugee family in need with your Zakat or Sadaqah?
If you can, please click here >
Your Zakat. Her Backbone. | LaunchGood
I pray Allah SWT rewards you immensely for your kindness and support over these blessed days of Ramadan.
Kind Regards,
Wajahat Hussain MATW
**Live from Lebanon** Make this your sadaqah for today
I am currently in Lebanon delivering essential food packs and water to widows and orphans in the refugee camps here.
Please support this campaign and allow us to deliver as much as we can whilst I am still on the ground inshallah.
Wajahat's Ramadan Deployment 2023 - Zakat and Sadaqah for Most Needy | LaunchGood
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