Organized by Iqraa Foundation
No amount is too small. Every penny counts! JazakumAllahu khair for your donation!
30 claimed
JazakumAllahu khair for your generous donation!
22 claimed
JazakumAllahu khair for supporting our organization with your generous donation!
57 claimed
JazakumAllah khair for your generous donation! May Allah SWT increase your rank in this life and the next.
35 claimed
Masha'Allah! JazakumAllahu khair for believing in us. Your donation has helped us grow and reach our goals. May Allah SWT reward you and your family!
25 claimed
SubhanAllah! JazakumAllah khair for your generous donation! Patrons like you keep us going! May Allah SWT increase your rank in both worlds.
5 claimed
AllahuAkbar! JazakumAllah khair for being a close friend of the Iqraa family and believing in us so sincerely. May Allah SWT bless you and your family with barakah, health, wealth and happiness.
9 claimed
AllahuAkbar! Takbeer! JazakumAllah khair for being a part of Iqraa family and believing in us so sincerely. Your trust is us is an amanah that we will try our best to fulfill. May Allah SWT bless you and your family and increase your rank in both worlds, build you a house in Jannah and fill your dunya and aakhirah with nothing but goodness ya rabb!
1 claimed
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