
Support Support Kidney Patients on Dialysis

Organized by Voices for Kidney Patients

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Sponsor Basic Lab Test for Needy Patients

Help cover the cost of a basic lab test for kidney patients in need. May this be a means of Shifa for you and your family. Ameen!

9 claimed


Sponsor a Portion of Lab Tests for Needy Patients

Help cover the cost of essential lab tests for kidney patients in need. May this be a means of Shifa for you and your family. Ameen!

0 claimed


Sponsor Transportation for Needy Patients

Assist with the transportation costs for kidney patients traveling to receive dialysis or specialist care. May Allah ease your journey in life. Ameen!

8 claimed


Sponsor Medicines for Needy Patients

Provide necessary medications to a kidney patient who cannot afford them. May the Almighty ease all your affairs. Ameen!

1 claimed


Sponsor Multiple Lab Tests for Needy Patients

Help cover the costs of multiple essential lab tests for kidney patients in need. May this be a means of Shifa for you and your family. Ameen!

1 claimed


Sponsor Visit to Nephrologist or Dialysis for Needy

Sponsor visit to a specialist or dialysis for a needy person unable to afford this treatment. May Allah reward you with Afiyah !

3 claimed


Sponsor Hepatitis Tests and Specialist Visits for Needy Patients

Cover the costs of detailed hepatitis tests and a visit to a nephrologist for a needy patient. May Allah reward you with Afiyah. Ameen!

0 claimed


Sponsor Comprehensive Lab and Medicine Support

Provide a comprehensive package of lab tests and medications for a kidney patient in need. May Allah ease all your hardships. Ameen!

0 claimed


Sponsor Comprehensive Medical Care for a Month

Support a kidney patient for a month, including lab tests, medicines, and specialist check-ups. May this be your means of salvation in the Hereafter. Ameen!

5 claimed


Sponsor Full Comprehensive Support for a Month

Support a kidney patient for a month, including lab tests, medicines, specialist check-ups, and transportation. May this be your means of salvation in the Hereafter. Ameen!

2 claimed

Zakat-verified campaign

The organizer will use your donation as Zakat funds.

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$20 USD,

a few moments ago


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