
Support Water for Gaza

Organized by Haya Foundation

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Fountain of Hope

Thank you for your contribution and being able to provide water daily for one of our children of Gaza. May Allah reward you in this life and the next.

268 claimed


Stream of Life

With your support we are able to provide water for 2 children daily in Gaza. May Allah build you a home with a calming stream in its garden.

130 claimed


Warm Spring

Your able to provide 5 children daily with water. May Allah reward you with a spring in heaven.

78 claimed


Oasis of Hope

Ten children a day are able to drink clean water because of your generous donation. May Allah reward you in this life and the next.

68 claimed


River of Sanctuary

Without you 25 children would have no adequate water daily, now with your help they will have access to clean water. May Allah reward you with a river in heaven.

14 claimed


Waterfall of Life and Hope

May Allah bless your efforts, because of you 50 children daily owe you a great thanks for being able to drink clean water.

9 claimed


Ocean of Love

May Allah reward you greatly for your efforts in this life and the next. 100 children now are able to get clean water daily.

12 claimed


Well of kindness

Thank you for your generous donation, you just gave 250 children access daily to clean water. May Allah reward you in this life and next.

0 claimed



You have reached our highest giving level. We are in debt to your gracious donation. You have given 500 children access daily to water. May Allah reward you in this world and the next.

1 claimed

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$20 USD,

a few moments ago


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